GCC to be visa free for expatriate residents

According to a news, the expatriates residents (estimated to be 15 million) of GCC would soon be able to travel visa free in the member countries (Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arab).
As many economists predict that future of countries would be heavily reliant on the consumer based economies, the above mentioned change seems to be full of wisdom, as it is expected to open new and consistent business and tourism opportunities across the middle east.
In order to listen and give solution is the main purpose of immigration officers, who tend to give a sympathetic listening. Only thing you need is to accompany your husband and prepare your answers well. Another solution is to one day visit immigration department and gather the information, because more information is always helpful.
@equinox thank u so much..do u think he can allowed my husband to make me and my daughter under husbnd aponsor
Your husband needs to apply for visa transfer of you under his sponsorship. If he faces any problem then he needs to speak with a senior officer at the main immigration department who listens to such cases and gives his help.
Is any one can help me here??i really really need ur help..
Gud day to evry one..is anyone there can help me about my problem is my husband salary below 10.000 we are married here in qatar and i got seliver my baby now my baby is 2months my husband go yesterday to immigration and they tell that i need to be his under sponsorship before they give visa to our baby but the problwm hes sallary was u der 10.000 so how we can applyhusbandsponsoship for me and my baby is it possible that i can transer as husband sponsor een d salarry of my husbnd is under 10.000?to sad also hes company do t want him to help..i hope someone can help me god bless all
This story has been doing the rounds and has been discussed many times on QL. The simple fact is that it is erroneous. The key aspect is the "sharing" of data across the GCC countries to firstly know who is where and secondly to have a common database of blacklisted or undesirable persons.
@gerarra's comment...hahaa
How about being free from slavery?
can we have better clarity on this visa free? is there a restriction for certain professionals, if yes, which profession? do we still have to pay the entry fee in the respective country as you mention visa free? is saudi arabia in comply to this poilcy? as far as i know if there isnt any variance for the above then the Visa free or visa available at airport is been there since ages now....!!!! therefore a better clarity is expected thanks
where did you read this ?