Exit requirements family visit visa

By sivaramanamir •
Hi i am Siva. My wife came to qatar on family visit visa a five month ago. After completion of medical, the visa extended upto 9th jan 2014. The received visa page were lost. We dont have copy of that one. Also i couldnt able to find the visa page in MOI website. I worried because her flight scheduled on 20th of this month. Is there any problem will occur while her exit, If anyone knows please adivse me. I am suffering lot.
hi SIva, I'm facing the same problem like you. I lost December month's visa extension page. Only one printed copy is missing, Rest of all is okay. Please let me know what you did to get the lost visa page. Plz let me know what are the exit requirements for family visit visa?
Thanks for your suggestion. I will try coming sunday.
Why don't you visit the immigration office with your wife's passport and your wife and talk to the captain there. I am sure he will help you out.