Male Body Scrub and Massage Center
Dear All,
I am a 30 year old male working in Doha. Lately, I have been feeling very lethargic, weak and unproductive. I literally wake up tired in the morning, drag myself to work and end up getting bashed for poor performance at work. It has demoralized me to the point where I think I should just jump off a cliff. Well, not that extreme! Anyway, a friend of mine suggested me to go for a full-body scrub and massage. He said that they would scrub the whole body, which would improve blood circulation and rejuvenate my senses. Also, the massage would reduce any tensed bodily muscles. I have never done anything like this in 30 years of my life, so I am a bit skeptical. Could someone please advise me where I can go and what my options are.
Also, how much would it cost for this therapy / treatment? I look forward to your reply.
Thank you.
Have yourself checked for thyroid malfunction. If you have it already then you need to make yourself active. If not then may be you are too bored or have got stuck in a routine. In that case I wouldnt say go out and make friends as it isnt all that easy, not here, and may make you frustrated. So get a hobby or some activity, anything which will keep your mind and body engaged. Hopefully you would be alright without a scrub..:)
It will become habit-forming. My suggestion is that you either go for a long walk in the evenings or join a gym and tire your body out. This will get you sound sleep at night and you will feel fresh in the morning and remain that way throughout the day.