World Cup 2022, Jealousy Factor
Being the 1st Middle eastern Arab and Muslim country, Qatar feels pride in winning the WC 2022 hosting rights, which are set to definitely promote the soccer in the Muslim and Arab world on a large scale, thus engaging the youths into healthy activities and keeping them away from other negative works. However some jealous countries that were left behind in the WC race, are now using media and institutional power to take away the WC rights and if not, make it impossible for Qatar to successfully host it. While Qatar is in the process of addressing the workers issue, they (the jealous country) would not rest even after that, because their sympathy is not with the workers rather with their unjustified jealousy. They want to, in fact, divert their peoples attention away from the economic and unemployment issues by blowing WC 2022 challenges out of the proportion. They need to use their energies for making their own house in order, and moreover come forward as helping hand towards Qatar.
The West has a tool in its hands called "sanctions." They have joined hands to use this tool against Muslim countries which has refused to accept their dictations. Pakistan and Iran are two such examples. Unfortunately, this tool does not apply to the World Cup. As such, these jealous countries are now looking for ways to sabotage Qatar's progress toward holding the World Cup. I am confident this will not be allowed to take place. I am sure the state will soon sort out the issues that is pricking the eyes of some countries. The World Cup will be held in Qatar and that is final. The countries which are working overtime in creating hurdles for Qatar in staging the World Cup have more problems in their own backyards. They just need to turn their heads around and see for themselves.
What a moronic statement.
Qatar beat South Korea, Japan, Australia and the USA in the bidding for 2022.
The EU passed the motion condemning Qatar, not South Korea.
The head of Amnesty International (based in the UK) is an Indian.
The Ambassador who likened Qatar to an "open jail" wasn't from Japan, or South Korea, or Australia, or the USA.
The statement is simply laughable.
I guess it is norm to exploit others weakness in ones interest. Arent the words 'so many people waiting (ready) to fly in', the reason for the condition of the workers.
Agree with Brit, who are these negative countries. How dare anyone say anything negative about Qatar, it won the bid fare and square, has a great football culture, and will deliver the best WC the football world has ever seen and experienced.
Which is the "negative" country ?
The fact is that the WC is Qatar's and here to stay. Qatar is spending billions on infrastructure and stadia. The show will go on .
Let's be honest....every single country that has EVER hosted the WC has had some problems somewhere or another and most of them did fine anyway, but u always see some green-with-envy pens trying to capitalize on that and write some embellished stories regardless of how true or false they r and regardless of how good or bad it really is. Some worthless journalist is always ready to write about it just to make a buck, so why waste ur time replying, right?
Look Qatar is not a country that descended down from Heaven. We r wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better off now than we were before, but no matter how excellent we become, there will always be someone ready to write anything just to fill his/her pockets with some $$$$.
True. However, why don't we put our house in order and allow the jealous countries to raise their fingers. If the government takes a stern stand against companies which are bringing a bad name to Qatar, much improvements can be seen. The issues are manageable. All is required is for the people in authority to put their foot down, find out the major issues, and take immediate corrective actions.
Third world should understand this
Agreed. They are using this country as a shield for their advantages. Not for this country's success.