Doha Outskirts need a large Flea Market
Soaring rents are the main cause of small business failures and higher costs of items in the country which is equally affecting the shopkeepers and the buyers.
With soaring labor population, the city needs to have a large "Flea Market" that could house thousands of small shops, preferably located at the outskirts of Doha.
This market (small porta cabin shops) can be named as "Okaaz Market" an old and famous name of such Arabian markets that used to thrive centuries ago in the Arab lands.
Time is ripe for Qatar to replicate and revive its historical status in the country. Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Doha Museum, please have a look.
Okaaz Market is a different concept based on the old Arabian Shopping Style, that the Arab people love to adopt. It is an open bazaar, selling all kinds of items and offering an outing as well as entertainment. It is hard to find a shop with a rent lower than Qar. 20,000/- that means, you need to meet daily expenses of around Qar. 1,000 which is very very difficult for small shopkeepers, who have an average profit margin of around 10% and sale of Qar. 2000/3000 per day. The small traders can only have better understanding of this major issue.
Why would anyone want to buy flees ?
u need to have a joint venture with rizk emporium...u will save a lot of cost...its all grey market business
There are plenty of shops in the Industrial Area playing the same role.