.. difference ..

By Molten Metal •
Hello Everybody,
What's the difference between 'an observation & judging' .... pertaining to our response to a thread ?
{ Becareful you comments here can be branded as judgmental ... LOL. }
Regards, MM.
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T. C. You are right in your own way my friend, shukran .........
Thanks everybody for your input ............
Everybody is different, so MM is correct when it comes to that one has to do pure justice.
Chances are one party will not like it, just my views.
tcom, You judged MM . Normally you are against it. Never mind, this happens.
MM, Tell me who is simple here ? No worries if you observed me as a clever person, that is your view .
Classic case of POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK... what a joke.
Fathima, That is a soldier's job. A tough path ..........
AmAm, That is straight forwardness.
R2R, That is being clever man , when you try to keep everyone happy even if you do it cautiously ............
Molten Metal, Let's not care about what others feel, important is to follow site guide lines.
Most of the time people refuse to improvements.
So, they won't listen when suggested.
Molten Metal, That's very timely topic.
But having different thought is always healthy my dear.
R2R One needs to stand up for truth and justice even at the cost of being shunned and opposed. It's not easy, true, and takes much strength, tact, and patience. But will ultimately be far more rewarding and benefiting.
That's true Fathimah. But one has to very cautious to avoid opposition from society or be honest with yourself.
It can be a thin line..no doubt. Our Prophet said “Do not be suspicious, for suspicion is the height of falsehood" so one should know to tow the line between judging on facts as opposed to making judgement based on mere assumptions and speculations.
MM, People with independent mind will speak their heart out, it's up to the others how they view it.
It won't make any different to the basic point.