Traffic Police Misconduct

I am not speaking about all traffic police but this one police guy who ruined my Christmas day. We just entered the open parking space across the front side of the church. This policeman, I guess, wants us to drive fast to park the car. He was yelling and suddenly kicked our car. The parking area ground is rough and there’s a van infront of us so how can we move fast. I was so startled about him kicking hard on the front passenger side door where I was sitting. As soon as I got off the car, I stood on the policeman’s left side trying to peek on his name to no avail because the name is on the right and he’s wearing a neon yellow/green vest marked with “Police”.
Instead of entering the church, we went directly to the Police Office inside the church compound. They were so accommodating and attend to us the best way they can. They even sent one policeman to accompany us to the Police Station to file the complaint.
The car got a little scratch though and we don’t care about it. Thing is, the policeman’s behavior is so disappointing and unbecoming. If we ever made a violation, why not issue the violation ticket without kicking the car?
I believe we did the right thing, that is, to speak up when you know you are in the position. Respect others regardless of the race before you demand respect for yourself from others. We are just hoping that he (policeman concerned) is given warning or whatever he has to take to correct him from actions that tint the image of the whole group.
Hajji Radhi and Mike Shamrock~ Avoid personal insults. Warning!
The post is edited.
i think so,.i DID NOT wanted or needed to go to Doha,. i WAS asked to come (like most western expats),.wich puts it all in a different context then the majority of the expat workers.
and yes holding a Dutch passport knowing that i will be backed up by my goverment does help
Even Qataris cannot be out spoken here! Is that poor Qatari poet still behind bars?
so it is sort of...not your skin color, actually, but your nationality...or your passport.
You hold a certain passport that will allow you the luxury to be outspoken, because if they decided to .....deport you, for example, for being outspoken, then your "strong" embassy will stand behind you, and your passport will allow you many other options/countries.
While those with different nationalities/passports...those who did everything to be in a place like Qatar, and have paid lots of money to be one of "the chosen", they can not afford this luxury of being outspoken because then they might be back in square 1.
cjob mentioned "whites". I know many whites/blonds, from Syria for example, who can not afford to be outspoken. They are afraid.
They could also be from Bosnia, Jordan...etc
yup i think so,..being western "blacks" or asian,. born and raised the majority will be outspoken as well. i know a lot of them and like me there all outspoken
"the whites are usually outspoken, they always believe in their rights as human, they fight for it"
does this include the westerners who are not white? (Black or Asian?) Is Obama considered outspoken?
I am only asking for an explanation for this statement.
This is the idea of forums around the world: someone says something, and others discuss/debate it
If we should shut up about everything, then no forums are needed
Hajji, let it go!
Cool down friends ..
haha.... the police insanity has resulted to communal violence... i hope all this is happenin because poor cjob mentioned church in his post
tsk tsk
Today I begin to ponder about your sign. line :
''Some people are alive because ... ''
Personally know a policeman in doha, who proudly say that I never wear seat belt and told me while was in his car not to wear also..
But not all the cops are same, you will find many respecting the law!
all i can say to cjob42 what u did is right.. hope the superior of this policeman will give him a lesson about what happen to u.
Yes, i believe you did the right thing .. Good luck :)
tahsinmim, read the post well before making such comments.
the only thing is ,.you dont regonize them straight away as being western..we as white westerners are easy to spot,..unfortuntly
yesterday making line in a pharmacy at 23:00hr,. this arab guy walks in and cheats on the line goes straight to the corner and orders,.. told him,. that proberly it was difficult for him to wait for his turn,.like educated people tend to do ;) he came up with the lame excuse that his kid was sick,. well mine are to
he let me first (wich i already was) then when i walked out the lady behind the corner. appologised for MY behafour.. dont get it,. he was wrong not me
Hi tahsinmim, the whites are usually outspoken, they always believe in their rights as human, they fight for it.
:) Thanks UKEngQatar
Like they said before you find good people and bad people at any place, you did the right thing.
sometimes police tell the drivers to keep going while the close some side of the road, the first time they ask, they do it politely, if the persons listen and do as they say thumbs up for the understanding driver, but sometimes some driver comes a long and stop he`s car trying to pass from the closed side, now the police have all the right to yell at the driver to move the car.
to sum up being late is never a problem not getting there is the problem.
and remember that all paths get to rome
nice story did u copy paste from telegraph, bbc or cnn
I always see police men, wearing their blue uniforms, driving their personal cars (white plate numbers), not wearing seat belts, and talking on their mobile phones.
I learnt to do the same
It's a jungle out there
They are good and bad every where! Sorry to hear about your experience. Glad you reported him