You know guys, i find myself writing and chatting with other nationalties in english without any problem.. Though sometimes my grammar wasnt that perfect.. I just felt easy doing it, ill just keep on typing whatever pops up in my mind... But when i am about to talk or literally speak in that language sometimes i can manage without any problem... But sometimes i felt concious about the grammars, pronounciations of words and how to deliver it properly... The thing is, i wanna practice speaking that 2nd language of ours so that i can get fluent and have the confidence to talk... I encounter a lot of foriegn here that they dont mind about the spellings and grammar they were using, for as long as they could understand each other and deliver the thing they wanna say..
I used to practice doing it with some of my friends but they wont answer me back in english.. They will just keep on talking with our native language that's why i find it hard to practice... I used to read books, chat with foreign people but im done with it.. I badly needed to practice it with my tounge on.:))
How about you guys? Can you suggest other helpful tips for me to get fluent?
hahahahh CL :D she is Learnt with me Dont Worry :D
Oh la la ... Well im afraid if you start talking with me .. you'll forget all the languages you know and start only one language .. language of loooooovee .. LOL :P
you dont have to worry too much over this, you language seems very good.. and about speaking out that will be ok when a real situation arises...
best regards
i know about CODGE DURANO car but here we go with JAJA DURANO :D
Hey dont say you are Bzi ,, U jsut Chat me on Viber this Evening.. :D
Haha.. Thanks LOL.. anyway.. Im just kinda bc lately bcos of the holidays.:) christmas celebration is great here.:)
Captain, how about having some talks at this time? Its kinda boring here..
CL, She is doing the same with me :D
You can call me any time and practice your language .. :P
try to make new friends with those does not speak your language.
Practice makes perfect. For other Nationalities they are not perfectionist when it comes to grammar, as long as you can deliver it right and pronounce it right (except for writers and poets). It's only for Filipino's who are trying to be perfect (wanna be) with grammar and everything. Just be yourself and be confident on how you deliver it. Keep on reading books, watch english movies with sub titles and listen to english songs. Make friends with English/American people and other English speaking Nationalities and it will help you a lot. Always open yourself in learning and always accept good / bad critics. Be confident and have the attitude. It will help you improve your English language.
Yes me old chap BB..:)
not only the tongue ... you will need the whole mouth to do it right... yanni pronounce correctly...
Reading helps.
Read and record your sentences then play it back. You can correct yourself.
When you have gained confidence, then practice it on others.
The advantage of Qatar is that you have a mix of nationalities and cultures and every one speaks English with an accent so you have nothing to fear.
Hi enine,
Do try to speak as often and as much as possible! This is the best way to learn English! There is nothing better than conversation to help you improve. Whereas, you can practise reading, writing, and listening on your own, it’s obviously better to speak English with someone. The best way to do this is to be in an English speaking environment.
The quickest way to learn English is to surround yourself with English speakers. Also, get into the habit of thinking in English, don’t translate from your own language into English, it will slow you down. When you talk, use the sentences which instantly and naturally feel right to you, these are often the correct ones. We all have an ‘intuition’ about English, use yours and trust it.
Although,this might sound a little strange and embarrassing at first, try to record yourself talking and listen to your own pronunciation, talking speed and the flow of your speaking. It will give you a great chance to see the areas you need to work on.
Finally, Don’t waste a chance to speak English because you were too nervous about making a mistake. Don’t be shy; be confident, having an ‘I can do it’ attitude will help you learn. Iam sure.
Good luck
I think, your english language seem to be perfect.but if you want some thing, just call at 66575597.I can provide you , what you want.?
Avoid using Colloquial expressions - these are informal words, phrases, and sentences that are generally more appropriate for spoken conversations than for written essays So, basically slang... But if you wish to sounds like the native English speakers, you have to learn to twist your tongue by practising tongue twisters such as 'Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers and say it in reverse order 'A peck of pickled peppers, Peter Piper picked' practise makes things perfect! ;)
when you read English, read it with a clear voice. This should help
Try busuu.com and livemocha.com best places for practicing languages.
I learnt with the HELP of Qtel Help line 111 When i Arrive here in 2008.
i Was keep Calling them for no reason just to Speak English/Arabic not Chat.
Reason for calling : Coz i wasnt having anyone who can talk to me in Arabic or English.
Tryit with your Mobile Network Proder and Keep asking about Network problems :D
i learned fluent english from siri..
Have you got any English friends?
English is a really hard language to learn grammatically - there is a large number of British people who can't even get it right! When you consider how many different variations of words there are, for example, there, their, and they're, you can see why it is so difficult.
Keep doing what you are doing. Keep up with reading, (I know it can seem dull sometimes, but try something light and easy to read with an English style, maybe fiction aimed at women, called 'chick-lit') and meet up with English people who are happy to guide you and explain the ways certain words are pronounced.
Give me a shout!