Boys 11 and 7, try armed robbery

This case is worrying.. I was surprised by the fact that the Police are powerless to do anything because of their age ..
What is the answer ? Should parents be held responsible ?
Two boys, ages 11 and 7, tried to rob a woman at gunpoint outside a church in Portland, Ore.
Amy Garrett, 22, of Milwaukie said she at first didn't think the boys were serious, just kids "being tough guys" spouting profanity.
"They were children," Garrett said Sunday. "I didn't think they'd actually have a real gun."
But then they displayed the .22-caliber pistol and a box of bullets.
The young holdup artists demanded Garrett surrender the truck to them, but she pointed out the gas tank was near empty and they wouldn't get far. They then demanded money, but she told them she was broke. She refused to turn over her phone.
When the 11-year-old grabbed her arm, Garrett slammed the truck into reverse and drove way. Looking back, she said she saw the boy waving the gun in the air and the police pulling up.
"I literally thought I was going to die," Garrett said. "If the cops hadn't come right then, I'm sure he would've fired it."
"All it would have taken was a pull on the trigger," police Sgt. Pete Simpson said.
"I've never heard of a 7-year-old being involved in an armed robbery. These weren't just two kids goofing around."
Too young to be booked into the juvenile detention facility, they were released to their parents, the newspaper said.
Wrong thread
I think we're getting our threads crossed :)
SA, most sane, happy, people with a good understand of the value of life would choose B. But not everyone is sane, happy or has an understanding of the value of life.
I think B
There are sooo many factors SA, you can't pin it to one thing. It's psychology, upbringing, education, mental capacity, poverty, necessity, etc, etc, etc.
To a starving man, no matter how many hands he see's cut off for robbery in the town square, he's still going to steal a loaf of bread. What's the loss of a hand compared to dying of starvation.
To a man with the IQ of a 5 year old, he may never understand the nature of his crimes, or control his emotions and he might hurt or kill someone.
To a person born with a psychological disorder like sociopathy, they may not be able to control themselves.
To a person who's been physically, emotionally and sexually abused their entire life they may not be able to control themselves either, or they may not care anymore.
if a guy who wants to kill know that he/she will be punished in the same way, then they will not dare to kill, but if they do not know then they might kill.
Miss Mimi and Britexpat if there are two paths
path A is dangerouse and you may loose your life would you walk in it
path B is safe and will guide in your life peacefully
which path would you choose?
what is the driving force for abnormal behavior?
It is obviously the phsycology
Yes we have Brit. Let's not open that old can of worms!
I am a believer of strict punishment. Therefore, i would advocate prison terms, with councelling and early release for rehabilitation.
For murder, I support capital punishment - but Miss Mimi and I have discussed that before :O)
Two boys, ages 11 and 7 the future of these 2 ( will join military)
one will go iraq kill 1000 other afghanistan kill 1000 innocent ppl
No SA. People who commit crimes either don't understand the consequences or don't care.
Yes SA, you can answer your question to me, whatever that means!
Straight Arrow said Miss Mimi what would you do ...
If there is guy who say ok I will kill and stay in prison for life.
Do you think that when people see the punishment of a murderer in public or in court will become more afraid to do the crime.
SA: people don’t just wake up one day and decide “today I’m going to kill somebody”
GEEZ! Respect our intelligence!
thanks no merci
can you answer my questions to you MN-01?
Straight Arrow, people who commit crimes do not think about getting caught.
Miss Mimi" YUP, Education, Education and Education!
If there is guy who say ok I will kill and stay in prison for life.
Do you think that when people see the punishment of a murderer in public or in court will become more afraid to do the crime.
SA: Well surprisingly enough, predominantly Atheist Countries are said to have the lowest crime rates, according To a Study.
Straight arrow, because the importance of ethics is not taught.
If you know how to read and write, to calculate, all very well. But if you are not taught about ethics and the importance of it, then there are problems.
I do think prisons serve a purpose MN, but they have to focus on rehabilitation, especially for minor crimes, rather than punishment.
If you look at statistics for people in jail, most are poorly educated, impoverished, come from abusive or neglected backgrounds, have diminished mental capacity, etc. If you focus on educating them and turning them into productive members of society when they're in jail they are less likely to recommit crimes than those who aren't given any rehabilitation.
There's a lot of evidence to prove that prisoners who get their GED while in custody are far less likely to re-offend than those who don't.
So MN-01 how can crime reduced or cut off?
MN-01 in modern socities where education is outstanding there is a high rate of violenece and crime how come this happens?
Punishment is not the answer to curb crime.
Cutting off the hands or putting the capital punishment on a criminal is some of the most ridiculous ways to encounter crime.
It doesn't help the culprit to repent or to become honest again. Coz it’s all in his head, not in the mortal limbs.
Locking people up are another stupid form of punishment. Once a person goes to jail, he becomes an intense criminal. Jail is the first criminal school. When he comes out also nobody will take him/her for employment.
He/she will wind up on the streets being exposed to criminal activities again. And public money is wasted in feeding and maintaining the criminals in jail.
The solution is here….
the parents must be mentally retarded !
awareness of how it is important to look at the root cause.
Do you agree britexpat that absence of punishment is a reason for increasing violence such as murder and drug dealers.
What punishment would you give if you were a judege and you had these situations:
1. Rubbery
2. Murdere / Killer
3. Stealer / theif
Well, in my opinion Brit, happy kids don't try and hold someone up at gunpoint.
Yes, there is something amiss. I posted because I was surprised not so much at the crime, but that the children were allowed back to the parents..
However, this could just be a totally dysfunctional family, rather than a 'cry for help"
SA: There is yet another type of personality you didn’t mention, it’s called peornsality disorder “living in denial”.
A henomenon very common on this site - which is a more dangerously pervasive, type of personality. It’s self-destroying
The police should have made an investigation with the parents.
"Census: U.S. Poverty Rate Spikes, Nearly 50 Million Americans Affected"
Also check this source:
It is about:
2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics
Did you visit Swat Valley ???
what it has to do with this topic?
Same old shift to "I am better than you" And then we want healthy debates too. BTW was there anything worth debating here.
Brit, to me the above article sounds like a cry for help. I'm more concerned that the police released the children into the care of their parents without looking at their family situation. Kids of 7 and 10 years old don't attempt armed robbery unless there are issues at home.
SA. Exactly, so then where are these statics, to give guidance and help ppl/govt, where to look and focus?
britexpat: My argument is that, it happens.
because some people always want to divert the topic when their idea is caught by truth or other true opinion.
See the human being is a mixture of personalities, one of these personalities is the criminal personality which attacks people and there is the doubt personality which doubts always even in his/her soul mate, there are about 13 different personalites.
There is the personality which likes to be insulted always,...etc.
True MN. I'm sure the violence levels there are crazy. But violence is directly associated with poverty, so not surprising.
I am at a loss to understand you argument in relation to this discussin ..
Statistics give an idea and not a solution, however statistics are important to guide people where to look and focus.
Miss Mimi : Then you haven't been to Yemen or the Swatt Valley in rural Pakistan.
However, I do think there are far too many guns in the US, they are too easy to get, and especially with children, who haven't learned right and wrong properly at that age, they are far too easy to use.
tahsinmim : and how do you now? Is there any available data on that over here?
There are many more people in the US than their are in the UAE. You need to look at per capita statistics.
Also, many of these things don't make statistics cause they are family feuds and no charges are laid.
"It could happen but not to that extent, and you are right they use knives."
You're right. They'd never settle for armed robbery. They'd out and out murder them.
Killing is killing wether it is by knife or gun, and it is not a shame to change your opinion when you discover it is wrong, shame is to stick to the wrong opinion even you know it is wrong.
So from never happens, to " could happen " hmm, now that's what I call progress!
BTW how murdering somebody using knives any different than guns?
U sure got some weird logic ST.
It could happen but not to that extent, and you are right they use knives.
Any how the main conclusion is that parents should raise their children in a correct and proper way to eliminate such sad acciedents.
So it never happens here eh! . LOL!
It wouldn't happen in the UAE. In the UAE they use knives.
Straight Arrow said here in Qatar for example ...
this not possible to happen, same in UAE,
And what do you know about the UAE? do you live there?
A kid I knew did this. He was about 10 or 11 at the time. Took an unloaded (and totally illegal) hand gun from his father's drawer and went hitch-hiking and when someone pulled over, he pulled the gun on him. Guy took him in the car and drove straight to the police station.
Turned out he was trying to run away from his very abusive and neglectful parents and figured the gun would help him "make his way"
The benefit that came out of it was that social services were alerted and he was removed into foster care.
Tell us please, authorites can monitor the community but not your home, your home security is your responsibility.
The authority may advise how to raise the children in proper way but it will not be effective if you do not implement it.
this not possible to happen, same in UAE, we should always take the good examples and not the bad examples.
MarcoNandoz once people raise their children in proper way all problems will disappear.
: You really don’t have to be an Einstein to know how to pull the trigger!
You are digressing..
the issue is what should be done with the kids or parents. Why are authorities powerless to take action.
Straight Arrow : how’s that different than countries that don’t sell guns to normal people but has entire rural areas infested with all soviet made weaponry and highest number of suicide bombings in recorded history?
because 11 and 7 yrs old are not grown up to a degree where they know what is right and what is wrong.
tahsinmim: hmmmm maybe coz the 7 N 11 yrs old pulled a gun on her face?
in countries which sells guns to normal people.
It is one stray case. There are countless kids out there who didnt do such a thing thus far or wouldnt do. I wouldnt worry much or get into parenting talk.
Too much influence of PS3 and XBox like alcohol tahsin aunty is giving us example :)
rizks go stand outside the class with ur legs up :)
Ooops just downloaded a shooting game in the PSP...:(
Too much influence of PS3 and XBox, Why cant they make games with less violence? It looks so real that kids these days are expert in shooting and killing.
Can't even begin to picture how I'd react if faced with a couple of gun-toting brats demanding my money, knowing they could blow my brains out and still be back home to watch TV in less than 24 hours!
stop producing if u cant control
But what if the parents cannot control these kids - as seems teh case here. What is the answer then ?
The parents should be punished in such a way to teach them they should not have kids if they doesn't know how to bring them up as cultured human beings.
blame the parents , some parents are less concerned on parenting
the funny thing was that the woman was being interviewed by a local TV station and the 11 year old came back and stood next to her for a while before disappearing :O)
Yes of course the parents will have to shoulder some of the blame,however to think no legal steps can be taken against them is disturbing. The woman could have very well been killed. In such a case too will no one be held responsible? The boys need urgent counseling and rehab of some sort in any case so hope they get that pronto and are meanwhile kept off the streets!