By doha.tutoring •
Hi all,
I teach in a local school with 98% Qatari children whose behaviour and attitude towards learning is terrible so I want to move schools. However, the school doesn't issue NOC's to anyone until they complete a 5 year service. I've completed 4 months.
I heard a rumour today that it is possible to get an NOC from the Qatar Foundation without any hassle and free to do so. Is this true if so why isn't it commonly known?
Hey, QS, habibti! I'm having a wonderful Christmas here in the US!
Mandi, how are you doing? :)
Not true.
do you know what Qatar Foundation is?
It's like to expect from Qatar Petroleum a NOC for the employee of Philharmonic Orchestra..
what on the earth one has to do with another?
but the person who advised me i didn't have to be.
does your school belong to Qatar Foundation?