Brain death
If oxygen is cut brain will die and it might die because of other reasons do you agree? However there is another type of death which does not make your physical life dead but it makes your mental life dead, and I think that the mentalilty and thinking is the driving force for the physical life to some extent. People who are dead in their mentality are those who can not distinguish between right and left, up and down, black and white,...etc. when you ask them question they do not answer directly even they know the answer.
What benefit do we get if we never change our opinion even if it is wrong?
What do you say about a person who says there is no difference good and bad (it is all relevant)?
I wouldn't ,as a rational and reasonable being, I should consider all possibilities, until we have solid proofs that favors one of them.
A and D are both equally logical, reasonable and possible.
But no proofs to support any of them ,so this will be fixed to 50/50 chance.
Like the Schrödinger's Cat.
Which one you will choose, I would choose A
well ,logic can go as far as your creativity goes.
Well :
D- the watch has been blown by the winds ,and dropped to this very spot.
Or do you mean, the "mainstream jokes" of people? you know? the mainstream humor of the Arabic world.
When you ask them question which has one logical they will not answer, an example is:
When walk in the desert and you see a watch in front of you what will you say?
A- a person passed and the watch fall down
B-the sky rains watches
C-the land produces watches
@SA what are you pointing out at?that is wrong to say maybe?or doubt?
For those people who are as follow:
When you ask him if I have a car and I bought a car, how many cars I have now? He will not say two, he/she will always tend to say maybe
Does it mean most politicians are 'brain dead' as the following apply to them:
- They do not seem to distinguish black from white.
- They do not change their opinions even when they know they are wrong.
- They do not give a straight answer even when they know it.
- They do not seem to differenciate good from bad.
All that matters to them are the things that would help them retain their political position, enhance power and amass money.
QED: All democracies are being ruled by brain dead individuals??
Back to Google translate again!
In Lam Tasta7i
Fa If3al Ma Tashaa
I'm going to need the help of Google translate to try understand what Adey just stated! Though i must say "outgrabe" does sound catchy..whatever it means!
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
"reasonable /justified and true arguments."
This is what you are failing to achieve, so far.
Yes this is known to happen specially with pig headed arrogant folks. On such occasions its best then to have the good riddance to bad rubbish attitude..better lose the company of fake friends, who are only with you as long as you agree with them, rather than have them by your side whilst having to pretend to be someone you are not!
@britexpat, actually no,it is not.
It might be ,maybe somewhere else but as my experience ,and especially in the middle east.
Even if you try just to open up a chit chat (Not even a debate), you will not be entitled to your own opinion, at least not without having to cut the ties with the other side.
One doesn't always have to try and change the other's mind. One can say that they have a right to their beliefs or just agree to differ..
@britexpat. thanks.
@SA don't you think that goes par to par with most extreme traditions? Some people are just so deep and so tangled to their own unexplained ideas, that it would turn into a mess if you try to discuss with them.
Which is something I counter in my everyday life.
And if you ask me, you can't just change the mind or view of thinking of somebody without reasonable /justified and true arguments.
Yes but I am the one talking sense and you are not. Sorry, I must disagree with you and will wait a couple of posts before nicely insulting you....
Unless ofcourse you change your tune.. :o)
There must be some common sense do you agree?
I believe the OP is asking about those of us, who are stuck in our ways and in our thoughts. Who are not willing to listen to others and believe that they are always right..
well done
So, so far what I grasped about this topic :
-Causes of brain failure (death).
-Different types of death.
-Physical "life" and Mental "life".
-Mentality and thinking are the driving force for physical life.
-Not being able to distinct using your senses.
-And the ability to debate.
-And the relevance between good and bad.
I am really not trying to waste your time, but I don't understand, what's the question?
Same as we say that women are diamonds and should always be protected, some women will jump and shout no no we are not diamonds, when we say diamonds it means for us as something valuable which should not be spoiled. looks like "brain death" has already happened in this case.
I've met such rigid and narrow minded people myself. Even if they know an opinion or position to be wrong and/unjust they refuse to change their ways nonetheless. Surely great arrogance alone can make a person this way. And sooner or later they will learn their lesson!
You yourself see some doc please u don't know what's ur problem
try to avoid them, good for your health.
What are you trying to say?
What do you want?