Head over heels in love! BUT!

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Are you a love addict? Have been in love with an unavailable person? And why? Do you ever wonder why this keeps happening over and over again? What are some of the common reasons love addicts keep falling into this trap.
Pic from the Novel/Movie ( Just another love story )
What don’t they understand,,, NEVER take serious what is poked in fun,,, no matter what body part it is he is poking….ABBA is remaking a song for the Philippines,, it now called DRAMA QUEEN,,,,young and sweet is a Philippine… da da da
@olumidele stop stealing general opinions and saying they are your own! , joking lol.
I completely agree.
Our concept of love is distorted by what we see in the media and film. IMHO and from a male perspective what passes for love is often a mixture of lust and infatuation, and I believe we are also constrained by the word itself - if I say "I love you," what that means to me and what it means to you are likely to be two completely different things. Greek I'm told has 3 different words to depict love - 1. Eros - erotic love, sexual desire, passion 2. Philia - brotherly love, love for a family member or a close friend 3. Agape - totally altruistic love; unselfish; patient; always and solely looking out for and concerned with the welfare of the recipient of that love.
@targus if you found one, be ready to get stabbed.
Never found a girl that impressed me... Seems a girl with the right balance of intellect & humor is scarce.
What about will's head bob
No more! *jim carry's head move* ta ta ta tan tan tata
don't hurt me...........
What is love?
Baby don't.....
Ahh Smoke,
what is it you are wanting????
just ask the wife to give it........... ;p
Happy Anniversary to you and your wife!!!
hope you have a lovely time on your vacation and cupid hits ya in the arse..... to make love have u fall head over heels ........
I will miss ya!!!
cha ching
I think people who love their parents too much fall in love whenever they meet someone having close physical or emotional resemblance of their parents especially when that parent is no more. lol
FathimaH: I guess it has painful/sad childhood like the loss of a loved one.
There is no more love in the world, cuz I killed it!
Rizks no I didnt hear about your bald-a,
oh sorry it was a typo I mean your bella.
Smoke looks like nobody fell for you ever!
I've come close once but then it turned out she was an airhead.
King Kitty! No more of backside stories :P
and yup Happy Wedding aniv! :)
Khanan you wont help them up...you will just jump on top of them from the back side :P
a tricky one ;) but NO! I didn't help any:)
Why do others have what i WANT! :P
People always want what they can't have...
Khanan and did you help them getting up? lol
love is over-rated.
But yes few of 'em had fallen heads over heal for me. ;)
ROFL drover.
hav u heard abt my Bella ? :(
What is Love and how it could reach ones Head?
surprising :(
NO! She was ALL woman.
yes, I have been a love addict.. There was my Senora from havana, Tzipi Livni and ofcourse Bella :O(
Many people in life tend to make this mistake at some time or another. You love em but they don't love you back. A wise person will learn from their experiences and move on. But some are just addicted to relationships of this nature. I'm no psychologist but I suppose it's something to do with low self confidence or the likes.
In any case for any relationship to flourish and grow stronger both parties must be equally committed to making it work out. If not it may just remain a one sided love story, and end in heartache.
VB, love at first sight and a love that will last forever.
Brit I thought ur Cuban Shotputter was a gigantic male. I think I m wrong. (:
that's the mystery of love...
Stop the drama queen and get a life,,,
have I told you about my Cuban Shotputter ?
somtimes ppl fall in love with a person who have no idea abt wat love is
Some lucky to be together
Some lucky to be missed..
sometimes we just think it was not luck, it happened cuz it was meant to be..
Love is blind with healthy eyes and beating heart.
Once I was so deep in love with someone...felt that love in each and every cell of my body and soul...it was something more than addiction...it just started normally but went so deep that still I cant measure the real depth as I dont have words..
Some people are naturally so romantic...OMG its just very diverse chapter with less words.. many blank pages with full of feelings...