Doctors! Pls Advise

By Doha_Resident •
My 07 years old niece has gone through the Thyroid tests and ATTACHED are the results:
It is OK to start giving Hormones to her?
Doctors suggested 50 Micro gm Thyroxin to her on daily basis. I just want a second opinion on her medication. She is quite active, has no other clinical or sub-clinical symptoms, usually thought related to the Hypo Thyroidesm.
Please see attached and advise. I will of course go as per Doctor but there are times when you just feel that you must have some more info
Double chin is the reserve of extra fat below the chin due to additional weight gain.
It is sorry to say (Docs please do not feel bad) that a lot of doctors do not keep themselves updates on the latest information on a lot of diseases.
There money is finding its way to their accounts. If you ask a little bit more, they feel offended just because they are not aware of that latest development! Social media has opened endless dimensions in all facets of life and even a 5 years old studied Doc material may partially be valid in recent time!
I am not negating their profession but I had several situations with me with experienced doctors!
That is the main point I opened the discussion here and beautiful things hav already started happening!
As far as the test results show, your niece is within the reference range which generally means that she does not need to start thyroxin immediately. However, it is better that you get a second and third opinion because hypo-thyroidism IS lifetime and requires dosage to be taken daily.
All the best!
Totally agreed and thanks for such a well thought advice.
The patient is not here in Qatar. Doctor suggested 50 m gm Thyroxin and Doctor asked for tests.
My Question is:
Do these levels, generally, ask for a Hormone dose?
As I said that the child is having no general Hypo indications except that she has gained weight by 3 KG in 3 months. No constipation, Tiredness, Snoring or slowing down actions?
No doctor would ever be so foolish to treat a lab test. Lab test is just a piece of information (sometimes rather crucial though).
What brought the kid to clinical attention? How have her health and development been generally?
You need a complete history which will guide further physical examination and then only can you order tests. Once the results are there, you can base a clinical decision on all the information you have at hand.
The thyroid hormone reference levels vary slightly in paediatric age groups.
Did the doctor not tell you why he or she was considering thyroxine?
Take 2 or 3 more doctors opnion prior any decision.
All the best
she might seem normal to u , but its VERY IMPORTANT to take her medication for harmones , it may lead to serious consequnces ... so please dont take it lightly , and take doc seriously
opnion from another doctore, if you are not satisfied.
and google it too.