Honesty & Security

Hi Guys,
I have been a relegious follower of the happenings in QL and I thought it would be apt to post my message here. Please no bashing here. It is a true story and I would like to share it with you.
I am an Engineer by proffesion and am working for a MNC in Doha.
The last weekend before Eid, I had been to Radisson Blu (Earlier Ramada) with a business collegue. He left early as he is a pretty senior guy. I stayed back and befriended the guys at the next table. Gradually, one of them asked me if I could help him find a job as anything. Driver, fitter, technician, etc. I said I would try, given the situation in their Country. He was part of a group of five Tunisians. We exchanged Numbers. Soon after that I decided to leave. Unfortunately, I left my wallet on the table. I realised this only once I got home (5 mins from the hotel). I Immediately called the hotel. Mr. Rodney, the Duty Manager, helped me search the Orion and the entire Ramada parking lot at 2:00am. As our search was futile, he promised to get back to me in the morning. He did. There was CCTV footage of the very guy asking me for help, stealing my wallet. I went to the Capital police the next day and lodged a complaint. I was promised SWIFT action. Eid holidays....
Upon checking with the CID, I was told that the Tunisians had fled Qatar.
The Gr8 news. Tonight (after almost a month) I was awoken by a call from Radisson that the culprits were in their custody and my money (QAR2,400) was recovered.These guys were blacklisted by the hotel and were nabbed by security as soon as they turned up again. After a brief warning to them, I decided not to pursue my charges. They are jobless anyways and are here in Qatar illeagally.
I got my Wallet with all my important cards intact. Thanks to a simple honest Burmese guy called Kyaw.
My special thanks to Mr. Rodney, Mr Nisar Ahmed, Mr. Shameer and Mr. Boris, all of who are part of the Security management team in Raddison Blu. Hats of to them!!!
Thanks to you guys once again and God bless!!
Have a nice weekend QL'ers.
LA. Thanks for taking my message in the positive sense.
Thanks BP. I never intended any bashing. Apology accepted and I apologize too to anyone hurt.
What matters most is.. all's well that ends well....hope there were more deserving people who genuinely needed a job could be there at tht time to take your help.
But it is a good lesson for all....thanks for sharing this experience, helps to know better
Maybe you need to draft your case better - It has too many holes. I'm not the only one who cannot understand your case. I can't help it if your English is poor - your first line itself has typos and drafting issues - leave alone the rest of the para. nevertheless i'm sure the incident did happen after the multiple explanations and the desperate attempt to prove your case - unfortunately you've not been able to convey the facts well in the OP.
Anyways you are accusing the Police of being incompetent - perhaps you can address it when you meet them tomorrow. All the best. You've posted your number in a public forum after all this Swell.
Btw I guess you old enough to make your own judgement and not recollect your mummy 's advice on talking to strangers - hilarious...considering your age bracket is 36+ (39 years probably being 73 born) .now drink your milk like your mummy told you to do so and go to sleep.
Another piece of advice which your mummy might not have given - becareful who you try and insult cause most will give it back to you HARD.
anoop1973 said Bluepanther, if you can read ...
Bluepanther, if you can read ENGLISH, and understand it, you will understand the message.
Fri, 16/11/2012 - 3:22pm reply
You set the rule of no bashing and you disobeyed it.
Nevertheless since you mentioned that you are a BP patient, I apologize but it was only in response to your statement.
Take care of your health and live life to the fullest.
And by the way BP, I am not presenting a case here. Those who want to learn from my experience are welcome. Those who do not can go take a walk on the Corniche.
Dear Mr. BP (Linguist), please let me know the typos you noticed.
BP, I am a BP(Blood Pressure) patient myself,I never insulted anyone. What are you talking about?? I was just apprecieating the work done by some hard working expats as compared to the CID!!
BP, I said no BASHING!!! Good night and good bye.
Bluepanther, if you can read ENGLISH, and understand it, you will understand the message.
BTW KR this was thier first time at Raddison. I had never seen this bunch before.
KR, I got my Wallet the very next morning (Thanks to Kyaw), without the QAR2,400. I got my money after more than a month. thanks to the Security staff at Ramada/Radisson. If anyone thinks this is a promo call me on 77436830. I was a guest at the hotel. PERIOD.
Its a bit surprising that someone who is used to visiting five star hotels would look for an ordinary job of a driver or a fitter. Iam trying to understand how they possibly might have planned to cheat strangers in a hotel.
Did you get the wallet the next morning or after one month?
Anyways, Radisson Blu staff did a good job for sure!!
FH, it is strange indeed. Getting your wallet back intact the next morning, and the culprits being appehended by Hotel Security after a month is incredible. I personally fogave these guys last night as I had got back all my belongings. I couldn't believe it myself. But the Police inaction is unforgivable. I will be visiting them tomorrow.
KR, Jobless does not mean moneyless. These were rich kids who came to Qatar looking for some easy work while they could go around getting the fast bucks from gulliable guys like me. They were on a visit visa. Please recall the Europeans who were in the news recently who were caught after doing a big haul in Al Sadd.
I personally know dozens of wealthy jobless youths in my own Country. They don't want to do any serious work.
That is the point I am trying to get through. I am a guest who is appreciating good work done by the Security of Raddison. I don't know why someone thinks this is a promo!!!
Just like I did, they too tried the mobile No. I had given them of the culprit. He had conveniently discarded the SIM card. By that time it was holiday time. Eid. Closed till Nov 4th. In the GCC, I have found the ROP (Royal Oman Police) to be the best. I have lived all around the GCC except Saudi.
The CID did nothing. They didn't even approach the hotel for the available CCTV footage which I was denied by the hotel for obvious reasons. Due to their passport copies held by the hotel during entry at the time of the incident, it was confirmed that they were the culprits. Alex, I am just trying to give two messages here. 1.Listen to your Mommy and don't talk to strangers. 2.There is still Honesty and Security in Qatar.
I was offered to view the CCTV footage last night but I did not bother as justice was done. The guy who stole my wallet was seen taking my wallet from the bar 9th floor, taking out my money QAR2,400 and then throwing my wallet on the 8th floor where he exited the lift. What more do you need Mr. Sherlock Holmes??
yeah!.... it`s true............
What were the jobless Tunisians doing in five star hotel?
If someone said he was jobless and wanted a job of a fitter or a welder, I would ask him what he was doing in a five star hotel.
Sounds very umm...strange, and dare I say unbelievable. Anyways honesty and security are truly great assets. So good for you.
well done radisson staff ..bravo
It's a complicated story...something I can't get...some lapses...it's like a promo but..just read it again...
No it isn't. You said the CID told you the Tunisians fled the country. How they know that it was the Tunisians you were looking for? Then you said that you got a call from Radisson blu informing you that they have apprehended the suspects.
BP. please note, These culprits were captured on CCTV (Close Circuit Television Camera) throwing my wallet on the the 8th floor. That is how they were caught. I got my wallet the very next day of the Incident. Kway was the one who found my precious wallet. Is it clear now??
BP, That is why I am rewarding Kway today. Money was never the issue here. In fact, believe me, I would like to give him the entire QAR2,400 for his honesty.
BP. They stole my wallet, took the money and threw my wallet on the 8th floor. I forgave these guys for giving me my wallet with the most important cards. They were on CCTV all the time. They were caught on CCTV both at the Orion and the lift at the 8th floor.
CID stated that the culprits left Qatar but the Radisson blue guys managed to apprehend them when they not only returned to the Qatar but also to the Radisson!! All Qatari James Bond's.
That is amazing!! Additionally the guy who apparently stole your wallet left qatar with it and returned with all your money and cards intact - even though that guy did not have a job. Super.
Anyways it is good you managed to retrieve your wallet - m guessing in that month you would have already cancelled and obtained new credit cards, access cards etc. it is a huge headache to lose a wallet
GS: I meant "bit careless"
I was a it careless yes.
I must appreciate the Security of Radisson blu!
Good! you've got it back!
We should be careful for our belongings.
well done Mr. Kyaw..
A lesson learnt. Wonder what the authorities will do.
lucky you