what comes to your mind...

School and college life was bliss!!! And yes, writing this statement, I feel that life has truly changed!!! The memories of my school life still sprout on me … Remember those unlimited stoppages at libraries to surf different books and making notes? But now the world is just a click away, thanks to our best friend – Internet! And what about those never-ending evening hours which we used to get after coming back from our school, dropping the bag carelessly on the bed – hours which were spent in calling friends from their homes and playing street games? Now one hardly remembers when was the last time we actually had a long chat with one of our closest friends! Some even don’t want to remember their names!!! Why should I call him, what would he think if I text him? Is it the right time to send a message to him! Questions are endless! Now we are hesitating in talking to that buddy with whom we used to share some of the deepest secrets of our life, whispering things in his ears and giving him swears NOT to disclose it to the other mate!
I guess this message perfectly defines the state of mind presently I am in. The fake world around me, fake people surrounding me who display a certain personality in front and change into a different soul behind my back is something which is NOT accepted at all! But can’t help! This is life! Probably that’s why I am remembering the innocence that the good old days were filled with, an innocence which is completely outshone by today’s earthly minded and mundane world.
These are the most memorable days of my life...which will be at the back of my mind till I breathe the last breath of this eventful journey of life.
hahahah Dr. segmund .... nothing to be serious ... u know i was teasing u ..... n u know my name ... can PM with it :-P .
but now stalkers priorities has been changed :-) ...
hahahah Dr. segmund .... nothing to be serious ... u know i was teasing u ..... n u know my name ... can PM with it :-P .
but now stalkers priorities has been changed :-) ...
hahahah Dr. segmund .... nothing to be serious ... u know i was teasing u ..... n u know my name ... can PM with it :-P .
but now stalkers priorities has been changed :-) ...
Well, I find it hard to argue with strangers on this site with no names. No body has died to be with me, but yes it is true that the principal did ask my opinion on school matters. I would not care to prove this to anyone, but since I know you a little bit more than most of the people around, how about I give you the name of the school and the cell phone number of its principal. The man is still alive, working and would be happy to answer any queries about me. About the crush the teacher had, she is no more in this world so there is no way to prove my assertion.
I really do not know how it makes someone to be a hero if the teacher had a crush on them.
What, in your opinion, would I get in portraying myself in any brighter light than I deserve to be in? Remember, I am none who 'likes to stalk doctors on this site'. :)
segmund ... U r too good to be true ..... i mean comeon ... its not the case... everyone dies to be with you .... a married woman wanna marry u .... and then teacher had a crush on you ... principal asked for your advice and what else ......
i mean ... u r one of the HERO of ur own stories :-P
lol, are you still awake?
Hahahah Segmund...took me while ;)
The basics of learning not only thru the lessons, but even practical psycho that helps us on the onward journey, gets implanted on our mind in the school era.
The rationale behind in posting this is to help some friends to cope problems or depression. According to a psychologist, most people spontaneously reminisce when they're alone or feeling down or both which suggest that we reach for pleasant memories as an antidote to feeling blue.
Based on my own experienced, thinking of good memories for just 20 minutes after a stressful day can make me more relax. Especially if I had migraine, I closed my eyes and reminisced my happy childhood days.. slowly, I fell asleep.
Reminiscence can motivate us and give us a sense of being rooted, a sense of meaning and purpose, instead of being blown around by the whims of everyday life.
Happy weekend to all!
oh.. i will never miss ma school.. It is sickening to remember the hard work i had to put through.. happy to jump the hurdle and never look back..
Oh Thank God. At least someone understood. lol
Now I understand why you decided to become a doctor.
One of my female teachers had a crush on me when I was in class 9. I came to know about this when she died in a car crash while on her way back from shopping for her brother's upcoming wedding.
I could not understand the quizzical looks the other female teachers were casting at me the next day. It was only when one girl from a junior class told me that the deceased teacher had such and such feelings for me. I felt like crying.
Hifenny,hope ur good.This surely is a very nostalgic post!I crave to travel back in my school days where we shared our tiffins,fought over trivial things ,how the teachers punished us and we felt that we should grow up soon..!It was a time when we were free from all responsibilities.Just had to think about our daily homework.......lols.....
Now,as u said we are in a 'fake world'!! I truly believe that school days are the golden days of one's life.TFS
aiwa, ok, I will...but do not hold your breath...it's a tricky one! ;)
Hahaha, that's good Nomerci! Let me know when you find out.
And yes, I agree with that, not letting memories influence in a big way. What I meant was, that we can learn lessons from the past, without dwelling on it, and move on.
Aiwa, no not relinquish your memories. But stop letting then influence that what you do NOW. Only if you do that, overcome the ego, will you be able to be truly happy.
Now, don't ask me how to do that...am still working on it :P
Nomerci, hmm, I wouldn't say always. Memories form associations, and those patterns help us identify how to move on. Of course, everyone interprets differently.
I believe firmly in moving on, living in the present. But I would never relinquish my memories for anything. I have understood many things from memory alone, when at the time of the event itself I handled things immaturely.
There is simply no way to disentangle your existence from your past. Past always stands in a meaningful way to our present. To a good extent, our present circumstance is a pure consequence of our actions in past. Sometimes, it is not easy, not even possible, to undo the changes made in our lives in the past.
Cherishing the good memories of the past has nothing wrong with it. In fact, it is highly desirable to remember the sweet times of our life as they, in a way, reenliven the experience in our minds.
However, too much dwelling on the past is also pathological. This is exactly the point nomerci is making most probably. Sometimes, we have a tendency to ruminate and this tendency is bad regardless of whether the memories or positive or negative. If they are positive, we somehow feel that we have come in life to a point that is inferior to the past. If they are negative, we seem to mourn sorrows that do not even belong to us anymore.
The best and balanced approach is to cherish the good memories once in a blue moon, to analyze the past and see what was good in it that could be repeated and what was wrong which must not be repeated. We must not dwell on our achievements and mistakes--- we must learn from them and move on.
at Spock: I am sorry, I could not get you?
Aiwa, you do not need memories to make decisions...most of what you see as memories is really your ego...and THAT is always misleading.
spock, there are a lot of things that are not taught in school and that SHOULD be taught in school. Unfortunately most teachers have no idea.....which is not surprising, as most people don't either.
Aw, it's not really living in the past, good memories are refreshing, well, for me they are :)
How can one NOT remember the past, that's what I'd like to know.
Learning and moving on in pleasant ways, that's crucial. But then, it's memories that help us make those decisions.
It seems to be going down somehow, though, Dr Segmund. Actually it should be going up, shouldn't it?
One of which ones?
Well, again, I have to agree with you. There is no use in dwelling too much on the past. Somehow past always looks more beautiful than present. But I have noticed that the next day our present becomes past, one is apt to remember it again.
I had the best time ever in my school. But my college, medical college, and presently my life as a doctor is no less satisfying.
That's what they DIDN'T learn in school, nomerci.
And people, stop living in the past. You can have as good a time now as you had then. It depends on you.:)
Segmund, no....no please,,,,you were one of THOSE?????? :(
it comes to mind that i like posts like these with a 'human' touch and nice vibes..even spock has something nice to say:-)
I'm still in school :)
I went to so many different schools. And my time in each one was a different one. I always loved some of the experience and despised some. All in all, it was amazing an experience especially the last year of my school when I had a say in all the school matters. Even the principle asked me for my advice if he had to bring some new change. I was the prefect and during my time attendance in the morning schools was record high, fights in school at a record low and so forth. On account of my academic performance, I was exempted from paying tuition. I used to check the papers of my own class mates. It was such a time. I never think I could excel in my time so much ever again.
always hated school. loved university tho.
graduated from school in 1992. still, last week i bought all the high school books of physics, chemistry and math to renew my knowledge!
Specially the senior grades, when rightfully we should have been taking stuff more seriously, but didn't! We were a real crazy bunch of merriment..my mates and I.
Thankfully though most of my closest friends from school still remain in contact with me, AlHamdulillah!Though of course we are all grownup and all responsible now, every now and then,we still try to recapture the beauty and lightheartedness of our school days!
You don't have to stop learning and you can still enjoy the moments of understanding something after exhausting efforts. Who says it ended with school?
glad to be done with school yes everything apart from classes was great...but sitting for hours on end listening to a lecture *shudder*
So true, Fenny. It's a matter of growing up and growing apart with time, very few friends keep astride for a long time. My college and university days were really beautiful, Alhamdulillah. But I know my friends have moved on, each has different responsibilities. We keep in touch and always reminisce old times, have a real good laugh. But I don't expect them to understand or reciprocate in a way that we used to, when many hours of a day were spent with them daily in days of yore :)
Fake world, maybe; you will find people who are there for good company, nothing more.
But, that being said, try to look around for genuine, positive people, you will find them :)
ohhhh why these posts ..... i m missing every single day of my high school ... especially the bunking part ...n going out... though i m content now as well with some REAL freinds .... but still responsbilities at times makes me rush back in past ... n enjoy
lol tashin
Ohh i still miss my high school days. (: