Even animals behave better then this woman

Son reports mom to cops for torturing help
An Emirati woman accused of torturing her housemaid to death is standing trail at the Criminal Court. She allegedly poured boiling water over the victim and beat her up with an electrical wire.
The incident was reported at the police station by the woman’s son. The cops discovered the body ridden with injuries and burn marks and emitted a foul smell. Forensic reports confirmed the death was a result of multiple injuries sustained by the victim which was at least 10 days old.
The accused’s daughter testified that she had seen her mother pour boiling water on the maid and throw pepper powder into her eyes.
The accused, meanwhile, confirmed she had beaten her up with a wire for disobedience. However, she did not mention how she died.
Prosecutors said the suspect upon realizing the house help had succumbed to her torture called her daughters and ordered them to sport gloves and change the deceased’s clothes.
This nothing less than Modern day slavery?
A woman and her neighbour, who is also Emirati and a former policeman, attacked the maid at her villa in Abu Dhabi. She confessed during police interview to beating the maid with a frying pan, however she claimed she was only disciplining her and had not intended to kill her.
Humans are indeed the worst beast the universe has even seen.
Well the authorities are fully responsible and the ones to be blamed for watching this things happen again and again. Why dont they act and put in place some punitive laws whether the guilty are locals or foreigners so that this crimes against poor and helpless workers are stopped once and for all. Its such a shame for countries to be associated with this types of crimes against the weak and the helpless people. They come here to make a living but they never get back home where their family waits for them
cruelty is everywhere!
She should be given the highest possible punishment for this kind of dreadful act.
wonder how a woman can treat another woman in such an inhumane way!!!
"The accused, meanwhile, confirmed she had beaten her up with a wire for disobedience. However, she did not mention how she died."
Sounds to me that she has admitted her guilt and should be prosecuted for first degree murder.
hats off to the daughter for having the courage to come forward.
Frenchies, having a bad news is a good news for media..
garbage truck
Inna lillahi wa inn ilaihi rajioon (To him we belong and unto him we return)
Frenchies very true!
Unfortunately awareness of what IS happening is also necessary to stop the bad things from occurring.And I'd say the negative energy field is not created by mentioning the negativity that IS occurring, but it is created by the physical creation of those bad things.
And then you have mom's like this too....
Seriously the perpetrator appears to be a very sick minded devilish woman. Kudos to the kids for doing what's just.. just hope now she get's the maximum penalty available!
I dont think animals have housemaids to behave like this. Some people need to realize that housemaids are there to HELP you, they are also humans and need to be treated well. Why torture them? If you dont like the way they do their work replace them...isnt that much more simple?
poor victim..another soul cries for mercy from the hands of devil.
Your obviously a pretty sh&&t person if your own son turns you in.
so sad....I read about similar story from a Saudi woman a few months back that did that to girl who survived.
Burned her head with a iron, cut her lips with scissors, beat her body.
Sick ppl
Sad to say animals do treat humans better then some humans treat humans.