Relocating to Doha, Qatar

By louly blue •
Hello All,
Hope you can help me with this. I got an employment offer in Doha. I'm offered 3600 as a housing allowance. My question is, are all rentals in Doha have to be paid for a whole year in advance?? Aren't there studios or apartments that I can pay for month by month?? This is the first time forme to get an offer, will they give it to me month by month or anually?? what is common I mean? Is it common there that they will book for me in a hotel till I find an apartment or something? I can't afford staying at a hotel there for several days, I did my research and it's quite expensive.
I will really appreciate your help. Thanks a million in advance.
Thank a million guys! Really appreciate what you all said to help me. Hope I get a confirmation from them soon about the hotel and so.
Thanks a lot, that sounds convenient. How can I reach such places? to rent a studio that costs about 2000?? So all I have to pay is just month by month as I stay there?? plus security deposit in the beginning? I'm sorry if I have too many questions, but I'm new to the whole relocation and renting system!!
I really appreciate your help.
Inorder to arrange your budget initally. What i advice her we have couple of people doing business of providing sharing villa with 1-2 bedroom or independent studios which cost around range from 1000-1500-2000 around depending on your choice.
The above portion are offered on monthly rentals paid in advance with security deposit ,which depends on the landlord.
Ideally i have done the same and is quite comfortable of avoiding post dated cheques and all other contract matters...hassle free....
Atlast choice is yours
Good Luck
Felix Pereira
Check with your future Employer where he put you up!
Greeting from Qatar.
You have so many options and you can chose based on your life style and budget.
just to get an idea about the house rentals in Qatar please click this link and then go to search options and filter as per your need .
Regarding the hotel stay, u have to confirm it from your employer. Some employers give one week time some even get two months.
Some employers have an option that they will provide you home and they deduct your HRA.
Check with your HR.
Good luck.
The best you can do is to rent a room, there are rooms here that you can rent for QR 2,500. with attached bathroom.
and later on,you can loan from the bank and rent the whole flat which you have to provide a PDC for the whole year, and you can also rent the unused room to lessen the load from your pocket.
There are some room for rent in which you will pay on a monthly basis, or even studio type you have to pay a 1 month advance and a month deposit.
Start checking now in QL classified and you can find some.
The regular system in Qatar is monthly rent with 13 or so Post Dated Checks to cover the deposit, and 12 months rent.
But QR3600, is quite low, even for a good one Bedroom Hall Kitchen.