Abu dhabi

I have got an offer from Abu dhabi. Can somebody tell me what kind of place it is? How is the work culture? Do they have strict labour laws? Is it safe for family? What are the best things you can see or have in Abu dhabi?Lastly, is Qatari driving license valid over there? Are women allowed to drive or shop alone? I will be thankful for any information forwarded.
Is there a chat site like Qatarliving?
Abu Dhabi is much nicer than Doha. Enjoy
wine and pork make a county more better , india is the best place then we have oink in every street
Abu Dhabi is far more better compared to Qatar, you can buy wine at anytime without any hitches and so is pork. I like the place better than Qatar or Dubai because of its laid back atmosphere.
There you can find an accommodation near the place where you are working.
Good Luck.
Thanks a lot for all the information provided by you all.Does anybody know anything about the medical facilities there?
Zouheir, the distance between Dubai and Abu Dhabi is 130 KMs...this distance is measured in a straight line, now the highway (sheik zayed road) between the two cities isn't a straight line is it? And if you consider the traffic along the way it would take you approximately 2 hours if you strictly follow the "traffic rules".
The link for your reference:
radars are always set more than the road speed limit for 10 to 15 but on the highways they set it up to 40 more. every 6 km theres radar and set on 160 km/h. to ras el khaimah every 3.5 km theres radar and set on 140 km/h.
nomad, once I went to abudhabi on the cruise control set on 120 km/h and got there exactly one hour and 2 mins.
when I used to work there, me and other 4 cars used to drive from tecom to Abudhabi early morning and so in the afternoon everyday. never got flashed eventhought I reach Abudhabi in 40 mins now make your calculation and let me know what was my speed. so If you wanna discuss it based on how we drive I got it once in 35 mins ( again make your calculation and see what was my speed ) but here I was talking logically, 120 km from dubai to abudhabi with speed limit 120 km/h so obviously it takes one hour.
Please dont go into discussion that you have no idea about.
120 km distance on 120 km/h speed it takes one hour.
which part of it dont you get?
really strange,...so why radars are set at 160 if the limit is 120 ???
congratulations for getting the offer... Its the best place to be for the family. life is more fun there and traffic rules are more organized there but still u dont get heavy radar fines as its here.
Zouheir, I stayed in UAE for 12 years and recently just spent eid holidays there ok? And yes, you can reach Dubai from Abu Dhabi in one hour provided there is no one else on the road but you. So do you flash your headlight to stay ahead of everyone?
and I am not saying drive 200 km/h my calculation was based on the speed limit so its still under the law. nothing was based on the behaviour driving...
or maybe
nomad, my driving based in uae just recently came here and stayed there for more than 5 years, basically I am talking based on the logic so if 120 with 120 speed limit than it takes one hour. if your one of those slow and newbie drivers then its another discussion.
Zouheir, do you take your Qatar driving behaviour to UAE? Please do not contaminate UAE with your bad driving habits ok?
wow.. can we open a subdomain like.. uae.qatarliving.com
HMS,... they are right, they should give driver an ethic refresher after driving in Doha,.. :P
Abu Dhabi transferred recently from Doha.
THe driving license cannot be converted directly, you have to take road test compulsorily.
you are luck,... run when you can,... and remember me there,.. :)
one hour and a half to dubai? do you drive 50 km/h ?
from Abudhabi to sheikh zayed road 120 km so if you are driving as per the road speed limit which is 120, you will get there exactly in one hour, radars are set on 160 km/h every 6 km there is one.
It's a great pace.. Have a nice time..
your wife can drive.
your wife can fill her free time and she can shop alone.
Qatari driving license is transferable in U.A.E.
they are strict with labour laws.
work culture are better than here.
as what blosted mentioned more open-minded and well organized country,if you got the right contract then go ahead with it dont hesitate.
best of luck.
Abu Dhabi is more cosmopolitan than Doha, there are many many many things to see and do in Abu Dhabi (at a cost of course), Dubai is just an hour and a half by car, safety, labour laws and work culture basically same-same with Qatar. Yes, you can use and/or exchange your Qatar driving license to UAE driving license.
can u pls edit all by writing double post or just ...... dots
It was bugged for god's sake ye greasy monka!
omg spammer !
Generally UAE is a more open-minded and very well organized country,if you got the right contract, you will at least always fill your free time!