Looking for a place &my housing allowance is

By Over_the_moon •
Hello all,
Just moved to Doha and I'm looking for a 2/3 bedroom place for my family (wife and 2 small children). My housing allowance is 7,500QR and i dont mind putting a little bit more to find a better place. Can anyone suggest a any area's or places?
I do live in AlSaad, Ritaj Building ( new ). I suggest you to check it out. building behind royal plaza in AlSaad, their office at Bin Omran Traffic light. it suits your budget. like my house is 2 bedrrom, one of them is master. 2 other bathrooms, storage room, 2 balcony, kitchen, living room, covered parking, fully maintained. 6,000/-QR - I guess the 3 bedroom flat around 7,000. in the middle of Doha which you could avoid traffic by taking different exist as per the place you're heading up.
is ur flat in Ritaj fully furnished?Can u give please any contact number for their office?i am also looking for flat.
Look in Khratyat
try the classifieds section you'll always find something good ............