how many months allowed to transfer sponsor??
By doolallyempi •
hello QL friend just wanna know if how many months allowed to transfer sponsorship my husband is already working 11 months to his employer can he transfer sponsorship now??he has already noc thanks for the help
It depends upon on your visa! if your on a three month work visa & with no objection letter (NOC) you can join any company you want. if your in a company already you have to finish one year minimum then you can change sponsor. if your company is willing to give u NOC. there is other alternatives!! if you still dint finish one year and till if you can get the NOC, then you can still change your sponsor but you have to go out from Qatar & come back. if you finish one in a company in Qatar then you can change your sponsor staying in Qatar.
He needs to finished the 2 Years he can ask for borrowing letter then after that transfer of sponsorship