1 day leave 6 days compulsary leave
By dreamteam1 •
i am working in a private company running many institutions.i would like to know if there is rule in qatar labour law which states that if i take leave for 1 day due to personal reason on sunday i can join only on saturday loosing 6 days of salary for 1 day leave, they also reduce house allowance of six days since i am on leave for six days. please any one can guide me about which law the management is following .
with regards
dream team
what they do is when one apply for a leave they verbally say you can join again on saturday. this rule applies for annuial leave also . after annualeave vyou can join only on saturday. iam still wondering whaat is the importance of saturday and rejoining:)
is labour ministry taking note of these rules or they are just ignoring it even after they are informed.
take a written statement from them regarding the same. Then file a dispute with the labour court.
at the same time, if ur mentally prepared to go back to india, go and fight it out..... doesnt makes sence working in any company like a slave..... theres life beyond ........ no matter u gets some penny less, u will be happy..... if u dont mind getting a cancel, then speak to the higher authority..... so take the risk and you never know, things could turn out for the better....
not many people knows the fact that lots of private companies (specially the indian companies) where the management decides the law and rules of working conditions and their payments......
there is no1 to question them..... I do not know if the concerned government authorities are aware of all these problems and just ignoring or they really do not know...
it is just kind of arm twisting..... Take it or leave it!
for obvious reasons, the staffs keep quite of the torture metted on them so that they are not sent back to the home country..... so no1 dares to report to the government authorities as they could soon loose their jobs for some other reasons.....
In here.... i mean the whole of gulf, the companies always has an upper hand over its employees.....
Dream team, i feel sorry for u nd just wish to tell u 2 try speaking to them and sort out internally rather than filing any complaint as chances are things might get from bad to worst.....
its just my opinion and I could be wrong.....
Life Rockzzz
their policy is you can work in these terms or you can leave the job but they will not provide NOC also .talked many times to the top management not only to the immediate boss
that is the dumbest thing I ever heard
Which Company is that? Talk to them politely and tell them that they are breaking the labour law of the country.
the general rule if you take a 1 day leave, you will only get deducted by transportation allowance if you can provide for a medical certificate. if it is not a sick leave you will get deducted for 1 day + transportation allowance. (how to compute transpo allowance per day? 1 month transpo divided by 30 same goes for 1 day pay, 1month basic divided by 30) so maybe the maximum deduction is Qrs 200. But it is not true you will get 1 week deduction...ask them to show this policy to you or from your contract. YOU CAN ASK YOUR HR DEPARTMENT REGARDING THIS AND YOU CAN RAISE YOUR CONCERN TO YOUR IMMEDIATE BOSS THAT IS HOW YOU DO IT NOT FROM OUTSIDE HELP.
overtime is calculated based on basic salary ,but when we take leave the reduction is based on the full salary.
management says if u want to work as per this system work or you can leave.u can join duty only on saturday i am stil not able to understand from where the management arrived at saturday as the joining date.long live the indian management :)
please help where i should complain.this has been going on for many years.
General Rule is... If you know nothing, then they will let you know new things. If you know your rights, they will not treat you wrongly. Qatar is not different from other countries, it is only us who wants to make it different from the rest.
Do what you think is right and If they didn't treat you right for doing something that is right
Show them Qatar labor law ,as per it u r entitled to take CL(Casual leave) for ur personal reason.
I have seen cutting 2 days for 1 day leave .. not here .. some other country .. but cutting 6 days salary is too cruel ..