For all QLERS
By Captain_Lost •
For all Qatar Living Users:
-Living in Qatar
-Not Living in Qatar anymore
-Retired Users
-Banned Users (Joining you guys soon :P)
-QL Classified Users
-Posters and Posers :D
I just have to tell you this......
So put a smile on your face, work hard and have an awesome weekend !!! :)
Have a great weekend guys!
great weekend to you as well Captain_Lost
Ladies and gentlemen! worries about school rush at least for the next two days then. Peace prevails..I hope!
oh yeah :D
Been there, replied :)
What, where? Tell me, I'll be there :D
Tinker that's absolutely lovely! And I'd love to see your artwork :) Are you on Devianart? I used to paint with oils, pastels and watercolors, have never tried acrylics. Let me know how it goes.
Happy weekend everyone! :)
Happy weekend :D
by the way who wants to be WEAK?????????????
iyam goodz :) , what's zees aboots a workshops?? Good going!
Mr. Arthur Wok Chup? who is he? new in Qatar?
Tinkerji, what you have planned for the weekend that you are soooo looking forward to? Someone has a date? ahem!
Holaaa Tinker and all gentlefolk of QL. Wazaaaap?
Oh Prism.. I'm so sorry.. I just copy pasted that thread here.. :(
Sue me !!!
Cool :D nivine, can you please tell how that is pronounced as well? Pretty please, with cherry on top? :)
Yeah .. people of QL ... you've heard nivine!!!
she said.. errr.. I can't type that :(
Already posted and being discussed here...:)
nivine if you get me a bottle i'll taste it :) thank juh in advance.
captain lost bon weekend tous le monde :P
smoke im not kidding, taste Kefraya its the best ;)
Best wine in Lebanon....hahahahaha nice one..tell me another joke please :P
Ollaaaa.. Nivine, Francias??
Happy weekend !! (Say that in french for french users)
Rizks your losing it my friend...a wise kitty once said Silence is golden :P
wine?? lol
well to tell u in Lebanon we have the best wine :D
cheerssssss allll
Rizks... Ohh Ok, please continue your story.. and what happens then??
And then your remember your own mouth?? Oh good !!
Well at least the story has happy ending ... I'm happy for you, at least you won't die hungry .. :D
Nivine...your name reminds me of wine...lets toast a glass or ten :P
Lols its where the sh** happens and falls...ROFL
Why do you think of him and his big wide mouth? Something is fishy here. :P
ollllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bonjour, goodmorning, sabah el kheir to all of you :D:D:D:D :))
thank you CL, i know Sh** happens..but when it happens to me- i just remember ur big wide mouth ! :)
Its ok Rizks, I understand.. Sh** Happens sometimes... BUT with you it happens ALL THE TIME !!! hahaha :D
I love you for being so loyal to Everyone.. YOU LOYAL FRIEND !!
Who let the dogs out....i dont know ! :(
Who let the dogs out ... Rizks, Please continue the next line, its yours
PLUS.. Who cares, when i could get attention of people like aiwa with my thread :P
He who must not be named... Voldemort?
Happy weekend people of the QL!
you are not programmed to think..only bark :P
oh, my bad !
I thought Saturdays are weekend here ? :(
Yeahhhh.. Smokie.. braaaaaannnng eeeeeet onnn!!!
Race to 10 .... 8 Balls
Race to 10 .... 9 Balls
And then we'll whoop someone else together.. LOL :D
He whose name we shall not speak of :P
Brainless Mutt..that thread is about Thursday...this is about the weekend :P
Posted Already, here:-
Olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy! Bring it on Mr. El Capitan...Race to 10!