
i am a driver. i have a son.he is studying KG2 in DPS. i studied upto 10th grade. i know the value of studies. i want to send him to american or british school or any international school. my salary is 8000QR. By god's grace, my company will provide school fee from next year onwards i.e from Grade 1 onwards. i live near dafna. my uncle is in USA. once my son becomes big, i defenitly send him there to study further studies. plz dont laugh at my dreams. it is possible. he is my only son. he is showing much interest at studies. he is intelligent and obitient. as a parent, i have a big dream to make him a scholar from a reputated (world famous) university. this is one and only wish and ambition in my life. is this a good idea to change the school? otherwise shall i continue him to study in DPS.? which school is good for grade1 near westbay? thanks for reading. plz advise me.
with your search. Ask at the schools you are interested in if they provide help for low income students. I know the American School (ASD) offers scholarship to a few select students, but I have no idea how much and what age the child needs to be. The best thing you can do is to continue to be interested in his education and encourage him. All the best.
English modern school is only 21k+ per year. I think they use Cambridge syllabus.
There should be NO schoolfees IF countries develop!! Education as a business is antique.
Osama i didnt say not to save, its a good idea what you said...just said that in 12 years from now God knows what the school fees are going to be like :P
Well, that one is more expensive. Choose a state university, they are better anyway!
dear Spock, i already pasted a big banner saying UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD to my house walls. so that daily i have to see that name and should not forget my aim.
dear smoke, how are you? thanks for ur comment.
smoke: u don't want him to save money for his son? & i said enough to enroll him
Mr, osamabawab, i read ur arabic treads regularly. now a days y no posts? plz continue sir. it will be helpful for us.
thank youy for ur reply. actually my company is giving 5K per year. i can afford 20K per year. so total 25K. i think i cant afford for intl school.
sorry, i am not comparing, but just telling you, mimmum salary in our company for drivers is 7000QR. salary varies depending upon the demand and time.
I hope i will get (my range)good school near Dafna.
Osama in 12 years you think 120K will be enough? Look at the rates at which fees are going up.
PF's gave a sensible answer, its too soon to be worrying about his university days. If all fees are being paid by company I'd say go for it, its a good opportunity to give your child a good education.
Universities in Europe are cheaper than in the USA, and all students pay the same! (Around Euro 2,500 per year). Didn't the great thinkers all come from Europe?
sorry.. my english is poor. thanks for understanding my feelings. still i am struggling to lean english. my son should not face such problems in future. foundation should be strong. mr.Prariefire, completely i agree with you. thanks for ur valuable comments.
Mr.aj2011, i will check the mentioned school. thankyou. god's grace, i am getting good salary.
Drivers in our company get max. Q.R.3,000/- with bachelor status and no other benefits.
so if ur current employer is paying this much so y don't u open a saving bank account for ur son & accumulate money for him in this coming 12 years (e.g. 10% of ur salary "800" per month after 12 years will become more than 120K which will be enough to enroll him in a reputed university).
and for the time being check again with ur employer how much exactly will they pay for school fees coz some int'l schools here are very costly (45K per year) & ur employer may not accept to pay that much.
:) :) :)
your salary really very very good rate for a driver.
Also your benefits are good for being a driver.
nice to read your feelings and dream :).
Let your son enroll in "The English Modern School".
Located in south khalifa opposite american embassy.
Good luck :)
It is a bit soon for you to be thinking about his university middle school would be the time to start thinking of that.In my opinion though primary and middle school is important less for the content of what children are taught rather than the peers they are surrounded with and the socialization that occurs in school.
That being said it is hard to judge intelligence at such a young age though hopefully your son will have plenty of promise for the future.
Having been through the higher education system in the U.S. and I would argue a similar situation exists elsewhere obedience is not an attribute you should inculcate in a student.Especially not any student doing any kind of research work.