QIS or Newton or MIS or Al Jazeera
Hello. Hope everything is fine.
Just want to ask your help regarding the schools that we have here in Qatar. I am planning to transfer my daughter in an international school for school year 2013/2014. She is currently enrolled in AIS as Kinder. This is a Philippine based curriculum. But same as with other parents, i want something better for her.
I made my own research which i trimmed down to NEWTON WESTBAY, QIS & AL JAZEERA ACADEMY. Tuition fee wise, these will suite my budget. My question is, what is the quality of education the for the three mentioned schools? Which one would you recommend?
MIDDLE EAST INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL can also be considered as quite number of Filipinos are studying there. Will you recommend the school?
Other than those i mentioned, what else school can you recommend?
Will appreciate so much if you can help me with this.
As far as I know,QIS is the best.
I am a kabayan and some of my kabayan friends have their kids in Newton Westbay and AL Jazeera Academy. Although I have heard some non-kabayan friends not so happy.
My kids go to Newton International School and Young Achievers Montessori and as long as I like the teacher, it's okay. It really depends BIG time on the teacher.
FYI - for Newton schools, sometimes they transfer teachers so it's really not an issue which one. Tuition rate varies drastically though.
I recommend AL Maha Academy.