Family Visit Visa for Relatives Help

Hello Ql Members,
I wish to bring my Cousin Sister to Qatar for family visit visa for job searching.I enquired about this to many people, all of them told that it is possible but for only 1 month & cant extend upto 3 months in family visit visa.
But i saw in this site
other relatives can renew 2 more months(Total 3 Months.)
Is it possible, if possibe what are documents i needed to take it.
If i cant take family visit for 3 months what is the other option that she can stay here for 3 Months.??
I heard about business visa also?How much it costs for 3 months, i only need only visa,because she can stay with us.
am also new to Qatar so don't know much about it. Pls help me in detail for sort this probelm
All helps are highly appreciated.
Thankyou all
Can i get business visa without accommodation.That means she can stay with us,only need visa?Is it possible in Business visa?
How much it cost for 3 months?
suggest 2,3 names where i get business visa at normal cost
Thank you
thanks for you reply
In this site it tell that it can be possible extend 2 more months for other relatives.So i confused.
Some body have any idea pls help me.......
Cousins are not falling under family category to get family visit visa. Father, mother, son, daughter, brothers, sister etc. are the ones falling under that category.
If u get visa it will be for one month but u can easily extend till 6 months . 1 + 5 months no problem at all .......