Is it normal for a masseur to touch the client's private part?

By watchingtv •
Hey guys
I went out for a massage the other day. The massage was pretty good and really reasonable. It's expensive to get massage in the US, so I didn't have any massage before and it's new to me. The masseur slightly touched my private part time to time when he was rubbing my legs. It was not like grabbing it but his arms ran into it a couple times. Is it normal? It made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but I am not sure if it is normal or just masseur is different or whether I should go somewhere else...
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! (Even a blind) masseur is not supposed to touch (intentionally or unintentionally) private parts of there customer...
Sounds like your masseur was having a ball.
No, He cannot touch. In the first instance itself you have to convey the same to him. If are not comfortable you might have been taken into his notice. there is no point to discuss now.
No, he has no right to check a system on which didn't work ..
Well I suppose its normal. Must have been checking if all systems are working fine after the massage
That makes you officially gay, whether you like it or not.
I mean he was rubbing my thigh when he "touched" my ball, so I thought it was normal to accidentally touch because thigh and private part are close...But you guys never had this kind of incidents?
Depends, if the Masseur shares the same gender of his or her client.
If you didn't feel comfortable then you shouldn't go back to him.
Try some one else.
It is not normal for a masseur to touch a clients private parts
May be asking you something you want it or not
You have right to say YES or NO
IT IS NOT NORMAL. Usually, masseur do not touch clients private part either intentional or not. That is the part that you cannot touch to clients body.