Where are the Mods?

I don't know if the rest of the QL-ers are receiving these messages still, but I am and it's pretty much annoying. Someone (obviously form different accounts) is sending messages to my inbox talking about love and faith and don't know what else. I'm not interested so maybe it has to stop?
Where are the mods from this? Just asking.
Mods are busy oops-ing threads still... "Changing sponsorship is easy now" went into the twillight zone before I managed to read it...
Already tried it Bachus? Alas, you're smarter.
to the OP: My advice is to share your bank details with them. That always shuts them up.
Man just ignore em!
Don't you check your emails regularly? Don't you receive such type of messages there? Why blame on Qatarliving?
Ok this is the first time I lol. No I don't respond to the messages (none made me an offer I can't refuse anyway). I was wondering why their accounts are not deleted. Obviously their or his or her (whatever) presence on QL is redundant.
[No more!
'Oooops' is what Jeff Goldblum said when Will Smith flew the alien spaceship backwards against the wall.
mods ya'ani monsters or demons... fikra jameela
So, both said "Ooooops." Thanks, TDKR.
These mails are checking your loyalty and sincerety to your spouse.....lolz
Moral is Be loyal to your neightbors and society :)
No, Will Smith said oops, Goldblum said oops when Will Smith asked when was he going to tell him about the mothership guiding their spaceship..
Oh, I don't know these terms. I am sorry.
Ooops means delete removed blocked
Sylvia they might not like it n will result in Ooopsing u
offcourse brit, you may forget your Cuban heartbreak :)
Who are Mods? Is it to spell Mads?
I got one from someone named 2butchpathan. Should i reply ?
only love2real & halimaa, sometime juliet/mary.... only talk me with so much 'love n affection' noone else;
sorry FS but your PMs are not so luscious :P
Painther and Khanan...no wonder you dont have time to reply to my PMs..lol
well, let me share with my QL friends, I'm also seeing halimaalove (she sent her hotmail id)..and guess no1 knows about it.... LOL
...ahh love all around....more envy ...:P
love (that 2real) sees nothing :),
envy...all around :)
damn you Khanan, she is three timer...:(
Tat day i took her out for Karak chai and Mcdonalds icecream...:(
'Love2real' is a two timer!Beware!!
That day I had a great massage from her :P
Oops OP is a male... I should have guessed from the response so far...:)
so u mean to say that u want the MODs to c the content of the PRIVATE msgs which is supposed to be private.
Mod is already busy deleting the fraud ads and controlling the public forum, PM can be controlled by each user plus there is an option in Msgs to block the author if u want to.
painther i did hear they do peep in pm's
Do you write an email to Larry Page every time you get a spam e-mail on Gmail?
how/why Mods should intervene in Pvt matters of members?
It's between two people; like the other day, I received a few PM from love2real, and guess what we are having fun of our life :)
Depends on you, any1 above 18 needs no advise :)
they r busy jumping behind the monkey
its not only u...even i am getting such stupid mails .. IGNORE n DELETE it
Does it also give a yahoo email to revert to and talk about sharing pics?
Why not just delete them ?
why dont u ignore it or delete such PMs ?
I too get such PM's oftenly, but i dont open a thread for it - i just delete it !