How stupid this driver is..

By robherr soft •
This morning as i was driving my way to work a sudden build up of traffic was happening in this R/A in salwa near safari hypermarket. From a distance i saw an AMBULANCE inside the R/A so i told to myself..whew maybe another fatal accident. So curiously, as i was passing the scene, i was trying to get a glimpse of what happened.. And to my surprise and to my LMFAOL.. i saw this Ambulance got hit head on by a sedan in its right side body.. WTF! Is this stupidity or what? Are worst drivers really flock in this side of the world? I cannot help but to laugh and it really made my morning ;)
omg did u see 3 to 4 ambulance ? m so happy for u :P
Hahahahahahaha! Bwahahahahaha! Hohohohohoh! Hihihihihih! hehe...
benson if u see any accident just let us know n we can have a loud laugh ho ho ho
Oh babu hahahahaha u laugh like santa claus ho ho ho ho monkey santa... Oh wait, did i say everybody laugh also? u kiddin me? for me it's funny..if for u it's not funny no prob..i did nt say u laugh with me anyway. Why u all genius here? am i not allowed to tell what is funny for me? C'mon.
oh it is so funny all shld laugh pls ho ho ho
How can u ever hit an Ambulance like that? An average driver gives way to ambulance not hit em. R u serious? It's funny bcoz i was thinking ambulance is rescuing someone. And the manner of hitting is like the driver of the sedan car is blind. Why r some people in QL so serious? Do u really need to look for a moral in every post? Im sorry i am not as genius as u..i am just an ordinary guy..I am not deeply intelligent like bad.
blank stare
whats so funny ??? ambulance crashed with a car ??
do you watch youtube or something ?