It happens in Sweeden too..!!!

Bizarre: Doc takes break during surgery, man dies
There was no replacement for the doctor and nurse on break during those critical minutes
In a horrifying incident, a man died on the operating table after two members of the surgical team went on a lunch break while the surgery was on.
The 72-year-old victim had gone for a surgery to get a tumour removed in a hospital in Lidköping, Sweden, reports The Local.
The head nurse and the anesthesiologist decided to take a break half way through the surgery. A few minutes after they left, the patient suffered complications. He began hemorrhaging as his blood pressure was fast dropping. The replacement anesthetist who walked in was not familiar with the apparatus being used.
Finally when the duo returned from lunch, they found that the respirator had been switched off. By then it was too late for the patient to be revived. He suffered brain damage and died.
The victim's daughter sued the hospital and it came in for some harsh criticism from the health authorities for its staff policies and sheer negligence.
Tragic end. May he rest in peace and may the doctors be punished ..
Medical profession has undergone big changes through this century.There has been a phenomenal progress in technology & regress in humanity. Goal of medicine has shifted from kindness & compassion to achieving immortality (which is next to impossible & even if possible I don't think humanity has fully understood the curses of immortality). Nothing is enough for us, our looks are not enough, life is not enough, this earth is not enough. Does the doctor's behaviour surprise you?....Well, not to me..........After all they also come from the greedy society which you all belong to.........& certainly money is never enough.....
Pathetic !
R.I.P. ol man ! :(
Deadly .. Result of working with insufficient number of employees.
Higher Management needs to wake up ..
where is the monkey to c the irrelevant thread.
Where else it happens? please elaborate!
i don't believe this!! who takes a break during surgery???