Working Visa-Single Entry-Temporary Exit Qatar - No Residence Permit-No Re-Entry Permit
By the_first_one •
my husband just came here in Doha with a Working Visa, before RP is processed, unfortunately needs to go Phil urgently. Residence Permit under processed, he's sponsor gave him exit visa and said he can use same visa he used when he came because its only expiring on november. is it possible? so my husband went home for 5 days but im worried because the visa is single entry only so its already stamped. we are told that we supposed to asked for re entry permit which is was not issued to us and we werent told so. please help.. can my husband still come back with same visa? please...
Hello I have a question similar to this I also have a "Working Visa-Single Entry for 5years" i'll like to know if I can travel to qatar with a One-way ticket with it? Because the return tickets are too expensive..
No, he cannot use the same visa,... give his passport copy to the company, they can re issue that visa and he will get the same as he used before to come here.