Is buying a dishwasher a worthwhile purchase?

By aishu180310 •
Is buying a dishwasher a worthwhile purchase particularly for an Indian family. Opinion needed especially from people with firsthand experience.
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Following are the answers :
1)With 600QR offer from LULU is quite logical to go in favor of one !!!
2)It is really worth if you have lots of utensils!!
3) Dishwasher also supposed to use less Water compared to Hand wash!! means it saves water. it uses 13 liters per wash.
take your own decision
I have been having the same discussion with my wife for the past several months.
I want to buy one so it makes things simpler for her, but she says it will not be effective for indian style of cooking.
A definitive answer can help me too!
If you use a number of utensils to cook, then it's worthwile