Can anybody translate this Arabic in English?
Hi I just got my fingerprints done today at the CEID building ,
And I went to Moi website to check my fingerprint results but it's only in Arabic.
نتيجة البصمة : الرجاء طباعة الطلب و مراجعة الأدلة الجنائية - قسم البصمات
الرجاء ادخال معلومات البيانات التكميلية
Can anybody help me with this ?
And do you know when I can go to the immigration to stamp my visa?
Thank to all:):):):)
Hello sjjm12,
Can you tell us whatever happened afterwards? I got the same message today on moi website when I checked the status of my RP.
Aha thank you all! Really appreciate it!
So I guess that means the results are not out yet right?
Shall I just go to the immigration tomorrow to get my rp stamps!
Or do they send any SMS through metrash...
Result footprint: Please print the application and review of the evidence of criminal - the fingerprint section
Please enter information supplementary data
Go to google translate and google will do the translation automatically