Summit Academy

By sophie2012 •
Hi! Does anyone have their children at Summit Academy? I can't find much information on it other than that it's an American curriculum...California-based. If you know anything about it, I would appreciate the information! Thank you!
if #1 it is accredited? and by whom?
#2 ask the school what their nationality breakdown is. This tells you something right there.
#3 If afterschool activities and sports are important to you, ask them what they offer.
But most of all, VISIT prospective schools. Apply for your top 3 or more, if you don't get into your first choice, let your children attend an alternative one (or home school) until a spot opens in where you truly want them to attend.
I don't have any first hand experience, but one of my friends' kids used to go there and she was quite happy with them.