Tony Blair should face trial over Iraq war

Intersting viewpoint from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who has called for Tony Blair and George Bush to be hauled before the international criminal court in The Hague.
The then leaders of the United States and Great Britain," Tutu argues, "fabricated the grounds to behave like playground bullies and drive us further apart. They have driven us to the edge of a precipice where we now stand – with the spectre of Syria and Iran before us."
But it is Tutu's call for Blair and Bush to face justice in The Hague that is most startling. Claiming that different standards appear to be set for prosecuting African leaders and western ones, he says the death toll during and after the Iraq conflict is sufficient on its own for Blair and Bush to be tried at the ICC.
By the criteria set forth in this thread most world leaders of any consequence should be put on trial for war crimes.
Bush promised him that if he did as he was told he would turn into a real boy. Blair was just a puppet of Bush. Only in this case his nose did not grow every time when he lied. But just imagine how long it would be if it did.
Blair is B-Liar.. So, the only option is to have him take a lie detector test or give him some truth serum..
I am really sorry if you did not like the comment as to being lousy; however, I would still feel people who do not respect another human because they did a mistake, however grave, are lousy to say the least. Lousy is not that bad a term, by the way. And I do not consider myself any better than you. I could be equally lousy a person if I were to be so judgmental, senseless and heartless as to not allow a prisoner the right to be valued as a human being. As for as myself is concerned, you are all lovely people and I do not mind if you say anything against my own person. Try to see my posts, I would only use critical words if I feel someone 'else' has been wrongly talked of. For my own person, I do not think I am that much important as to defend myself. I am sorry again.
As to monkey, I use the term because the person has put of this photo and the username is simply difficult for me to follow. I have been using it even at times when we were rather more friendly like, and the person had no problem with it, apparently, as he always responded when called the name. If he has a problem with it, heavens forfend that I should be author to such a word again.
So should Tony Blair face trial over the Iraq war? Would be great if he did, perhaps then many unanswered questions might find answers and some victims might get the justice and/or closure they need!
What's all this kolaveri?
nice hijack by the way keep going
Of course, lousy people like you can never be saints or prophets. I was only trying to tell you not to stigmatise prisoners. Not all prisoners are criminals and not all criminals are devils. You guys did not seem to listen to this point. So I told you ok, o' you who are speaking from highlands of morality, calling for the complete banishment of prisoner from a normal life, denying them a right to get married (even to a blind woman), all I could say is that you are just pretending to be saints.
I hope you got my point this time.
so were the stories hardly 4 to 5 ppl enjoyed it
now this becomes Religious teaching forum
Now this is not bullying right? You all bandy up against me to tell me that I am a bully while you do not say a word about what I am saying, just keep on targeting my person. Wonderful. I am so impressed.
shabo left him :/
I must agree with you why am I so confrontational? Why the hell yeah?
But do you agree with me that mods should and are doing a good job in weeding out offensive content from the site? And if they do so, other people should not lambast this and should not say that there is no freedom of speech here. What do you say to this?
Thank God someone with a sensible mindset has shown up finally.
I agree I do have an attitude problem. But what I say is still correct.
Segmund all I see on QL these days is you picking fights with people and yes in some cases bullying. Why are you so confrontational?
You are completely mistaken. QL is for anything and everything that viewers of this site prefer, be it question answers, discussions, articles, prose poetry or whatever the heck at all, as long as it is not offensive.
Agreed !
BG, Segmund should use twitter or something else for his prosa. QL is for assistance on questions concerning life in Qatar. But as I mentioned before, there are for sure Pakistani mods.
LP dont u think the stories were irrelevant too and 4 to 5 ppl makes an audience lol
And just what is your problem with that? Why should the moderators not worry about their site? It is their site and they have invested time, money and energy into it. Why should they allow someone's rambling to offend other people, or offend the government or anyone else for that matter.
It is very crystal clear the moderators have no political agenda and they do not seem to side with any specific group or school of thought. All they want out of this site is a platform for people to get more information about Qatar and to socialize in a constructive way. If someone is digressing from this, the moderators have every right to stop suchc a subersive actitivity.
The mods never put an end to my stories. It was only in Ramadan when I had more time I used to write and I still write on many other fora, believe me I have an audience more than your monkey head can imagine.
You can not even write a single paragraph out of your monkey mind my dear, all you are capable of just making the squeaking sounds of ''ooohhh thisss isss not relevant to Qatar".
Believe me this site has some intellectual people using it. I have received tremendous feedback on my stories and if I had time, I would write more of Shabo's stories.
Oh, such a foolish I am, expecting humanly understanding of a macaca.
Ryan, you either are naive or you pretend to be. The "Moderators" are secretly accepting or rejecting comments or threads according to their moods and preferences. Basically they are afraid that the site is going to be shut down, when users discuss things or topics that should not be discussed in a totalitarian country! Got it? It's also called 'censorship' in a free democratic country.
Who are these 'mods' I hear of but never see? What are their usernames?
atleast we dont flood the forums with boring shabo stories and thanks to mods for putting an end to it , indeed they do a perfect job :)
Monkey and you really do not ever come up with something worth saying. Bush and Tony Blair are more importan at least than you. I swear by Almighty God I never see any relevance of yours on the site. I can explain but I really find that below myself.
Monkey why do you flag this post as offensive? Just because it does not suit your tastes?
I think the mods are doing their job perfectly here. If there is something even slightly offensive, they take no time to take it offline.
The poor guys... they were just playing Hitler on a smaller scale.
I know, BG. The mods have preferences!
LP still the threads dont get deleted even if flagged offensive
a police officer wrongly gave me a ticket once; i became a police officer myself and started ticketing the living daylights out of other drivers..or..a terrorist blew up my family; i became a terrorist myself and blow up every family i see
i am only consequent now you see:-)
I think the fate of Blair or Bush has absolutely no relevance to Qatar or QatarLiving. And, brit, it wasn't me who came up with the idea that a thread had to be relevant. I am only consequent now, and I flag every thread as 'offensive' if there is no relevance to Qatar or QatarLiving!
lol LP does not flirt he only bashes
Hummm... I am rather partial to a bit of flirting
Would you rather discuss Land Cruiseer, accidents or just flirt ?
Another irrelevant thread!
let them enjoy and kill more ?
It does not matter at all. Even if they could get a thousand lives and killed a thousand times again and again, it would still make no good for the the thousands of innocent people killed, millions of money wasted, and so forth. So it is better let them enjoy.
If only my dream could come true! I want to see Bush in the Hague. A war criminal left at large.