Face-kini's : latest beach craze

By strawberry_shisha •
In China, where pearly white skin is favored over tanned brown skin-- the latest in beachwear for women includes this device. Part ski-mask, part balaclava... the 'face-kini' is all the rage on Chinese beaches. And despite their sometimes strange appearance, women say it's worth it to keep their face pearly-white...
But I hope not in Qatar's beaches..PLEASE!!! else it will scare the day light out of me or the children..It looks horrible to say the least..
Read more: http://www.amusingplanet.com/2012/08/the-latest-chinese-beach-craze-face...
@britey how about don a facekini for an updated version of your wardrobe then..with that it will hide your bald head..
This is why i wear spandex speedos :O)
SS but sum dirts can dirty the water .....lols
britey tats wat happens when u get old, everything gets noticable and hanging....:(
Damn! I didn't realise my Moobs were so noticeable :O(
@rizks, you would look cool and drool-worthy if i saw u in face-kini with matching transparent lungi..don't mind if it's dirty as the ocean waves will wash away the dirt once u plunge into the water..how cool is that??
tat lady in orange and black looks like britey ! :(
sea alien.......lols
Great idea. Protect the skin and remain anonymous..
they look more like a sea alien.
A creative way to scare people away. Well-planned.
CL we all are doing the same hahahahahaha
Some beautiful women, wearing face-kinis *Eyes wide open stare*
the lady in blue face-kini looks like a fish..lolz
not all perverts first preference is face :P
This is only for those women who desire to hide their ugly faces...
exactly prism....lols
in abaya the body shape is hidden but the face is open....:)
so the perverts first preference is the FAce...:)
I am given to understand that even a loose abaya cannot keep the perverts away...this is just a face - kini...:)
looks like Aliens...but good, atleast it will keep Perverts away ! :)
more attraction is due to more concentration on the required location......lols
Actually they look more attractive with their faces covered!!!!More woman should take note and do the same!!!!
first time seeing plump chinese....:P
That's hideous!
there is an invention called: sun protection cream !!
I know there obessesion for pearly white face...so much money down the drains just for that texture, even if it was OK with me otherwise...:(