Tourist in Qatar

HELLO everyone!
Im planning to visit Qatar october in this year to visit my boyfriend, who is working there. I know i need a visa to enter the country. Is anyone can give me some advices or help on how to apply a visa?
My 2nd concern since we are not yet married is it possible that we can go to the city and enjoy the tourist attractions? Is the city Open already like Dubai?
Lasty, What can you suggest in terms of Place to visit, restaurants and bars to enjoy! Thank you very much!
Hello, Visit Qatar Entertainer for things to do in Doha the website has lots of restaurants, arts, theatre shows, bars etc!
Hope that helps!
my GOD /! buisness in QL TOO
My one cent of advise your boy friend can arranged a tourist visa for you through a hotel. No hassle just pay the reasonable fee and you got the visa. But why do you want to visit him in this place? There's nothing much tourist attractions here besides the weather is hot. You can meet each other in Hongkong or Singapore where the visa is upon arrival at their airport. You will enjoy more tourist attractions.
what does not having been married have to do with your enjoying tourist attractions??
places to visit: katara, museum of Islamic arts, west bay (you have towers and hotels). about restaurants, i've tried one which was really really good in W hotel don't remember the name though.. you have the Irish harp in Sheraton hotel .. it's a nice pub with a live band.. try seven nightclub they say it's nice (haven't been there though). this is all the information i can provide :)
This is an Islamic country.
my friend..
never expect a life style of dubai in qatar.why choose qatar to spend ur holiday with ur boyfriend...?there is nothing here.
Qatar will Welcome you but you cant stay with ur BF without marriage...
its only possible when secrete but i think you have inform QL already :D
wish ya luck ..
Please do a search to find your answers.