Qatar's Future

By sonofqatar •
I am a Qatari national and I am worried about Qatar future because there are some elements of unrest such as little democracy, little respect of law and some discrimination.
What you as most of you are from other countries with vast experiences view this issue. Do you see Qatar future as unknown are there going to be problems or unrest and from which area these unrests if they will happen.
Thank you
Qatar will have a great future. Qatar will be a democracy.
Hi Sonof,
You have to rule out the possibility of unrest in Qatar at least for an immediate future. In Qatar most of the citizens are being treated by the Govt fairly and provided whatever they want or deserve. As long as these things are granted there is little room for unrest.
Qatar is on the process of visible changes. I think the roads should have traffic signals and zebra lines for pedestrian crossings instead of round abouts like in Dubai $ Abu Dhabi.
Walking down the streets we can find so much of electicity is being wasted by unnecessary lightings that is definitely a national waste..
The Qatarese overall are reasonably kind and humble.. in comparison with my country men where inspite of several scandals no unrest takes places notably..
Am I Aristotle..?
If you are tired, you can get a MNC FMC as outsource to rule. Hahah. Just Joking.
Democracy would be at it's worst level where people are illiterate, arrogant and ignorant. Democracy can easily open the way to funny trades eg; people's parties can easily sell the resources or the whole country to the capitalist countries. The western impact in other means may change the culture and beliefs. Once they establish in your country, you cannot push them out easily. They will be around until they exploit and utilize your resources. One of the best example, just look at India. Rich by resources but still living under poverty line because of democracy & corruption. The latest news of corruption in India is 2G scam of US$5.61 billion. Please see below link for more information. Rich but poor. Democracy is like elixir, you should have good understanding of 'how to handle'.
And one example is the elected Qatari municipal council, which is a total disaster.
We are in a real dilema really because we cant do with democracy and our future is unknwon without it!
Bachus said, "I seriously doubt Qatar could have achieved what it has had it been a popular democracy for the past ten years."
Agreed. IMHO, the achievements are due to Qatar's progressive top leadership and also the 30 - 40 somethings, who are generally the movers and shakers of society. The younger ones need further education (academic and practical exposure) and mentoring, perhaps.
/Generally, of course specifically, there are exceptions to this ie. some 20+ yo could be brilliantly innovative, etc. But generally, the current norm is that they are not quite there yet. If the country was led by popular democracy these past 10 years, there would likely be misunderstandings, battles and splits. Anything that is divided will fall.
Qatar is doing well at present as a nation and the factors which facilitate monarchy as the government of choice at present is its low population, single language, one religion and sect etc. For the future, as per Vision 2030, the Government is trying to deal with all issues that would make Qatar a self dependent country by 2030 going through a seamless transition from a hydrocarbon based economy to a manufacturing and trading based economy which more self sufficiency in food.
Qatar should remember this..
When the sun comes up, you got to be running
If the lion outruns the gazzle, the gazzle has to die
If the gazzle outruns the lion, the lion has to die
It doesn't matter who you are, a lion or a gazzle, when the sun comes up, you got to be running.
Democracy in Qatar would be a disaster at this point, and I agree with the rulers' decision to phase it in combined with increased education of its citizens.
Sudden democracy on a population unused to such responsibilities has historically been a disaster, particularly when education levels are low. I seriously doubt Qatar could have achieved what it has had it been a popular democracy for the past ten years.
Is there anyone who can help me in job matter.
Pls contact at
[email protected]
I'm not necessary saying that but the record of religious governments around the world is bad. Once they get in they ban other parties and you lose democracy, so no chance to vote them out. Look at Iran as a classic example. They got rid of the shah and replace him with an unelected religious council and then have pretend elections for the president who has no power. This is one of the reasons I worry for Egypt and Tunisia.
Qatar is heading in the in the right direction and we cannot expect it to make huge changes overnight. It would be different if the people were starving or didn't have jobs but that is far from the case
So, you're saying that democracy and Qatar are incompatible because it might bring about short term changes you wouldn't agree with :o)
My point is not the standards of living but the basic rights such as being eqaual in front of the law people can express themselves freerly without fear free press human rights distribution of wealth and so on
Unlikely to be any unrest in the near future in Qatar. Its citizens are happy and they hold their leaders in high regard because their leaders look out for their best interests and protect them and are not tyrannical like some other neighbouring countries.
There was talk of having an elected parliament in Qatar a few years ago but that didn't get off the ground then. No particular urgency as no people uprising, etc but if it does eventually get of the ground, perhaps it would follow the monarchic parliamentary system of government with Legislature (Parliament), Executive (Govt) & Judicial (Courts) having proper separation of powers
Democracy is the worst and wild form of government. Don't bring it to a rich country because it will spoil everything. I really respect the Ruler who have done remarkable achievements and balanced the people's life in all level (I believe so). Isn't ok.? 100 times better than any other countries who are rich by resources and it's people still live under poverty line. So go ahead Qatar.
Democracy in Qatar. Think what that will mean. It could mean turning the clock back a 100 years with religious parties voting for the banning of alcohol and strict separation of the sexes, meaning co-ed schools will have to close or change. It would also mean certain parts of the scientific curriculum would be banned. It would mean more censorship, more of a police/religious state. Look at Tunisia and Egypt where they have voted in religious parties, (by small majorities) and see how they are rolling back women's rights and freedoms of individuals.
Qatar is on the right path and is doing just fine. Qatar will develop as a country but remember that journey has only juts begun
Molten Metal, I'm guessing that you mean when did some countries become net oil importers in the past decade? I think that would include Egypt, Indonesia and UK.
Everything will be alright at the end of the day.
Nothing wrong with this thread, so long as the discussion is civil.
I think Qatar's future is a great unknown. It has the potential to maintain a robust economy, serve as a bridge between the Europe and Asia (both culturally and economically), and affect political outcomes in the region.
Whether or not it reaches this potential will depend on its rulers. Qatar has few rulers, so it will come down to a handful of people. The great benefit/danger of monarchy is that if the ruler is great, then things are wonderful; if the ruler is horrible, then things couldn't be worse; there are not mellowing factors as in a democracy. I think, generally, Qatar's leadership is doing a good job, but that could change and with it Qatar's future.
Of course to a great extent, as a small country Qatar's destiny will be determined by its more powerful neighbors and partners--KSA, USA, Iran. For example, Qatar could never realistically remodel its government into something that was not cooperative with the strategic interests of KSA and the USA.
may be people counting these nationals one among them.. Qataris losing their value now a days... counting from last 6 years... may be the loop holes in the laws'. Or the attitude, money can get anything..!!!
Thank you, belive me those "some" are the cause of many problems in this country because they will tell you what you want to hear and they know its untrue just to stay in their post and make some gains.
Eid Mubarak to you too
everything is going right,except need to take care about the professional,here the one who qualified more cases not he deserved to do.
Would you please list the countries who had finished their money in the past one decade , just to mention ?
My opinion is that I cannot see where there will be an unrest in the near future. Qatar has better leaders than most countries and a clear vision of where it wants to go. The challenge will be whether it reaches its goals before the money from the oil and gas finishes.
Qatar's future is bright, but people needs to be patient. Being a foreigner and been working here for nearly 10 years some changes has gone to fast, even for me. I know Qatari's that oppose to this change but they have faith in the Emir guiding the country through the change. We also ave to realize that we are n challenging times, economical wise in the world, but sadly also religious wise. If we all go through this, the sky is the limit for Qatar and the Middle East. I believe in you guy's.
Well,I admire you for being open about it as "some" Qataris don't wanna talk about worries as if they own the world.
But hey don't worry about things that are not certain to come. Qatar's Emir surely thinks about where this country is heading. Eid Mubarak to you!
& closedly too ..
I think you will get oopsssed on this thread...... Not allowed to talk about such things openly.