Your opinion please
I have been offered a job at Aspetar as a physiotherapist. I have been offered just less than 20,000 QR per month with one month bonus per 12 months successfully completed. Also includes standard accommodation / living allowances.The total package I estimate at approx 426,000QR per year excluding free medical care.
My question is this: do you think this is a relatively good salary for this position? I have tried to negotiate my position (and hence salary) onto a higher banding, but I just fall short on meeting the essential criteria for this higher (senior) banding on only one point; I am 10 1/2 yrs qualified but the criteria states I must be 12 yrs qualified. I have argued that as I fulfil all the many other criteria and hold a Diploma in Sports Medicine (which is one of the "Desirable" criteria) this should see me given the higher banding - but they flatly refuse, tell me rules are rules, and that basically I should accept the lower banding, or they will look elsewhere.
I currently am a lead physiotherapist for a professional football team, run a small clinic in the UK, am married with 1 young daughter. I would love the life experience and challenge of this job offer at Aspetar but have a lot to lose if it goes wrong. I also don't particularly like the dismissive "like it or lump it" attitude I have met in my negotiations thus far.
The salary offered would undoubtedly be a lot more than what I am currently on in the UK ....but as I said, I feel like I am giving up a lot to move myself and my family to Doha.
Your honest / informed opinions would be genuinely appreciated.
Many thanks
He is male only..It was mistaken by marycatherine. Dear Physio123, i have been to Aspetar many times and it was more than like a 5 Star Hotel. You will be having good working environment. I met many Coaches, physio and Nutritionist, it seems like they enjoy working there. They are very friendly to each other and hope you will also get some good experience when you work for them. If you are getting more than what you are getting in your country, then dont waste your time in thinking. The only factor you have to consider is climatic condition. Other than that Aspetar is very Good environment to work...
I am confused. Are you really a female as what MaryCatherine is saying? Your profile says you're a male. I don't think they will hire a female for this position.
like it or lump it is pretty standard for the GCC including Qatar.
Another big issue for you is if you wish to bring your daughter here (presumably without a legal spouse). As a female you will have to meet extremely stringent criteria to do so among which include - an attested letter from the father giving you permission to do so, being employed in a profession which will allow you to sponsor your child, etc.
I would guess you've never worked in the GCC before - they give you an offer, you accept or decline. And it's not a bonus, they are legally required to pay you a gratuity for every year of service worked by Qatari law.
Also, if they're not providing private medical insurance, annual tickets, private housing, and educational benefits for your child, you should look elsewhere.