immigration and qatar id for dual gcc visa

By smilekumar •
I have querry regarding my qatar id.
I have a valid uae visa till 29.10.2012 and iam out uae from 6 months completes on 20.08.2012.
i have not cancelled my uae visa and i came out from the uae company working on vacation and unable to go back.
Now the problem is in qatar, the qatar immigration saying to our pro that i have to pat q.r 2000. how this process works??
1. whether qatar immigration will send my pp to uae immigration to cancel or
2. the will do the procedures here and allow me by issuing qatar id. Pls clarify.
now iam in qatar waiting for id
iam confused. help me
thanks and regards
do it in uae
PearlQ is absolutely right! return to UAE ..surrender your PP to cancel your visa then you are now a FREEMAN...
This will be good for you and for your next generation.
Just return to UAE and it takes a day to get your visa cancelled (provided you have no other issues). Then Qatar will unfold the red carpet for you without any question.
Already life is complicated man! why you want to do all these stunt in today's world.
Good Luck
yeah i understand but i have informed them from india via mail, they are unable to cancel as my pp was wid me in india.
but my doubt is by paying 2000q.r they will give qatar id without any issue....pls help tryke
That is the price you have to pay for absconding from your previous employer in the uae... You should have at least informed your previous employer that you will be unable to come back anymore through formal resignation so they can cancel your visa BEFORE ENTERING QATAR... Hence, you will not be in a VERY BAD situation like now...