What is the best medicine for acne vulgaris?

Hi guys,
It's almost 5 months that i have a very itchy acne and they called it acne vulgaris, i try to search some medicine on net and i tried so many creams and gel but it seems no effect. i even consult a dermatology and they perscribed medicine gel and even soap still my acne become worse.
Anybody at the same condition or any body knows any medicine for this one as it is really loose my confident.
Your advise is really appreciated.
Great looking skin in just 7 days!(for men & women)
Everyone wants younger looking skin! You can get it without injections! Become part of the 95% that have seen a reduction in skin discoloration, cystic acne,the 98% who have experienced improvements in skin firmness and the 95% that have experienced great looking skin!
Our product is very good for skin irregularities like :
Oily face
Black and White heads
Old skin/ Open pores
CONTACT NOW: 66984975
Great looking skin in just 7 days!
(for men & women)
Everyone wants younger looking skin! You can get it without injections! Become part of the 95% that have seen a reduction in skin discoloration, cystic acne,the 98% who have experienced improvements in skin firmness and the 95% that have experienced great looking skin!
Our product is very good for skin irregularities like :
Oily face
Black and White heads
Old skin/ Open pores
Clean face, neck and arms with skin toner using facial cotton.
Wash face with Beauch bar soap.
Apply clarifying Solutionwith the upward stroke using facial cotton.
Put on generous amount of exfoliating cream. Do not rinse.
After 15 minutes, spread over substantial amount of rejuvenating cream in circular motion. Do not rinse. Let it stay overnight
Rub face with ice to close the pores and lift dead skin, and eliminates the night creams.
Wash face with Beauch bar soap.
Spread on face ample amount of age eraser cream to moisturize the skin and to protect from harmful UV rays.
Initial Reactions during the first week of application:
Redness of face
Stinging sensation
Appearance of new pimples
Tightening of skin
Do not prick your pimples, white heads, & black heads, for it will come out & eventually heal.
Stability: The change of color of the product doesn t affect its efficacy. It had undergone through aging process, and still safe to use.
1.) skin toner
2.) clarifying solution
3.) exfoliating cream
4.) rejuvenating cream
5.) age eraser cream
6.) 90g beauty bar soap
CONTACT NOW: 66984975
Hi There, I could recommend my dermatologist, Dr Hassan Abdullah, nice clinic along D ring road next to Lulu Hypermarket.
Best Derma in qatar .. Good luck
Thanks Kabayan, I tried already the proactive, but it doesn't work on my acne, yes that's true that proactive works to other.
There's one product that might help you get rid of acne vulgaris. It's called Proactiv. They don't sell them here however, you can purchase it online. I heard it really works though it is quite costly. But then again, I think it is worth the shot. Some famous icons have endorsed the product like Alicia Keys. Even my boss uses it and her skin is really smooth. Check out their website! Good luck! :)
Segmund could you recommend any good physician or dermatologist? I already consulted to derma and i also follow all the gel, creams, prescribed by the doctor and even my friends.Im desperate to know which type of medicine would be greatly help and remove it on my face.
thank you so much really appreciate all your advices
Consult your Dermotologist and use cream Pernox Gel 2.5 on your face every night , wash in the morning daily, in 4 weeks your face will Clean of acne . After that use sunscreen daily and moisturiser , to keep the skin in good condition , otherwise it will become dark . You may get the cream only in India at chemist shops , so tell some indian to bring it atleast 10 nos /tubes.It comes in tube at US $ 1 each tube . It is a Gel and when you apply , you feel the area a bit cool but it kills the acne without any marks . This is the best remedy apart from applying limejuice on your face .
Like most other health problems, acne treatment requires indvidually tailored approach. You need to be thoroughly assessed. Your age, gender, other comorbid condition you might have, medications you take and several other things. Once all this is established, the severity of your acne problem needs to be assessed: mild, moderate, or severe. Once this is done, you are told about your options. The use of certain medications may be contraindicated in certain circumstance, for example if you are pregnant.
It would not be appropriate to suggest you anything like this. It is better to see a qualified physician to help you with your problem.
Consult a better dermatologist who can prescribe you with the right medication. Experimenting on different medications which are not prescribed for you may worsen your condition. A good diet consisting of a lot of fruits and vegetables may help cleanse you of the toxins in your body causing your acne as well:)
my advise is that
1. clean your room, beddings and a/c filter.
2. stop consuming sweets (soda and don't consume anything with white sugar, fruits with natural sweetness is ok)
3. use cortiderm (very cheap and i'll take only 3 days to remove that acne vulgaris.
do try these 3 steps ok?
ramadan kareem
one more thing- FAST , and avoid meat for few weeks.
my once cent:
- Fumigate bedroom
- Change/Sterilize Pillows, bedsheets/blanket to a new one
- Frequently change pillow case & bedsheets DAILY- washing them with DETOL
- Sterilize Towels & change the daily
- Have your AC serviced
- Avoid touching your face unless during during wash/bath
- DRINK PURE LEMON JUICE as much as you can.
- Avoid mirrors as much as you can :-) until about a week after all of the above has been implemented.
- Read something about "appreciating beauty from within" - it will surely help :-)