Pickled Onions and Pickled Blatters

Life just gets worse. I was in Carrefour this morning and was suprised to find the shelves empty of Pickled Onions and Pickled Blatters ( not even Haywards silverskin onions or Mrs Miggins Olde English Blatters ) I enquired at Customers services and after 1 hour and 20 minutes - whilst they tried to find someone who could speak English - a strangely French talking person told me that both Pickled onions and Pickled blatters had recently been added to the Banned substances list in Qatar. Por quoi I said, for my French is limited, I was told that because both delicacies contained the halucinatory prservative " merdeaussi " which when taken can cause hallucinations and severe mood swings that often result in the victim thinking, and behaving as though, they are a defrosting Canard du Merde. Christmas will never be the same again unless of course I can get to Europe and bring some in. I have attached a nostalgic photo of a Haywards Pickled Onion jar. Ah, such fond memories.....................
They couldn't find an English speaking person in Carrefour for 80 minutes? Hard to believe.
pickle and world cup wow
Well I never!
anyone needs pickle just tell me i got them in my house , :P
go to an Indian supermarket. They pickle pretty much anything...am sure you'll find what you want. although, the names might be a bit different.
If nothing else, find an Indian auntie, they will know how to make it.
Blatters were discovered in 1868 by the famous Explorer Rupert de Monfort-Spleen. They are small banana shaped fruits that grow from the Blatter trees in the foothills of Kilimanjaro. They can be boiled and served with custard or pickled in brown vinegar.
In any case I suspect that the Environmental Fuzz will get to Lulu too and that there will be arrests. I just hope that Qatar realises that unless Pickled Onions are back on the shelves before 2022 I suspect that Fifa might withdraw the World Cup.
Any Pickled Blatters?
memories!! i bought some in lulu today