rest in peace, dear uncle

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
We were told that he had 3-6 months to live, and with the help of Chemo could increase his life to a year; Well, he didn't even make it a month. He's gone through so much, and it was his time to go, but it's sad to lose him so quickly. He passed away Monday morning, and we recieved a phone call from my aunt who broke the news to us.
But Uncle was a man who always kept his head high. Even when things were rough, he's smile and keep us all laughing. He was the light in the face of darkness and hardship. I miss him already;
I love you
May you Rest In Peace.
sad , dear ...
Wish him eternal peace .... !
Be brave to face life without elders ... when they are gone ....
It’s been a year now since my uncle died of liver cancer. Feels like it was yesterday.
a month after i posted in this thread, my father died, stage 4 cancer. Now I know firsthand how deeply it hurts.
I am a bit late Marco but so sorry to read about your loss of your beloved Uncle. My Deepest sympathy to you and your family.
It seems that this Stage 4 cancer is just too prevalent everywhere at the moment. Last week I received the shocking news that a close friend of my son and his partner in Australia at just 31 years of age, is riddled with the dreaded "C". She is pretty strong and bearing up with all the chemo etc but my Aussie Charge Nurse friend here said that her time remaining here on this earth will be short. So sad. I have known Tracey for many years and watched her grow into a lovely young woman. My hope is that she will still be alive when we go back to Australia at the end of November so I can see her.
It is always hard to accept the death of someone you hold dear Marco but remember the good times you had with him - I am sure he is now in good loving hands. XO
My deepest sympathies to you and your family. May his soul rest in peace.
I'm sorry for your loss MN. My grandmother went the same way. They told us 6 months, she went after 2 weeks. It was for the best as she was spared a lot of pain.
Thinking of you and your family.
I want to thank all those who called / sent condolences regarding the recent passing of my uncle.
The past three weeks have been the hardest of our life as a family.
My uncle made some incredible sacrifies for me over the years. He never once complained, and I will never forget him.
My uncle is gone, and from here on, it's only memories.
I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
Sorry to hear that Marco. My condolences to you and your family.
Inna lillah wa innah ilahi rajioon 'To God We belong, and to Him is our return'
Inna lillah Wa Inna Ilaihi rajioon
Was saddened to hear about the sad news....Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajihoon. ...May Allah grant you the strength to deal with your loss.!!!
I truly know what you feel like..didn't want to tell you this before because I didn't want you to be disheartened and lose faith, but I lost an uncle too to a pretty similar cancer(judging by your description in the last thread). I still miss him so so much though it's been like four years now. May Allah grant you and all his loved ones the strength and patience to deal with your loss..Aameen!
may his soul rest in father was also diagnosed with stage 4 metastesis,colon cancer that has now spread out to his liver. I am praying and hoping that he will live pass the 6months time that the doctors had told us
Innalilah wa inna ilahi rajihoon ....
May his soul rest in peace !!
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi, may god rest in peace.
Our prayers are with you,
I remember you posting a query regarding his problem.. Things do not always happen as per our will...All we can do is to hold our heads up and be pleasant as he was..RIP.
God bless him and forgives him from every sins and punishments.
God called him to him self. saved him from the terrible pain he was going through, and I pray he finds eternal peace and harmony.
Sorry to hear your news. Although we will all reach that point, it does not get any easier.
Remember the good times and pray that he finds everlasting peace. RIP
Innalilah wa inna ilahi rajihoon. REST IN PEACE.