i want office space in lowest price 4000 to 5000
By muhammed.am •
i want office room monthly rental
i preffered area is miethuir or nearest doha
4000 to 5000 riyal
muhammed 30243484
email [email protected]
i want office room monthly rental
i preffered area is miethuir or nearest doha
4000 to 5000 riyal
muhammed 30243484
email [email protected]
You can try to share space with another office which is working already , save money ................................. Tue , 27.05.2014 , 08.20 hrs
Is this your only blog on this matter? If you have any more blogs or anything on this can you please let me know? I found this blog very enticing.
at this price are you looking for a office or Office Pantry?! lol
well, i'v seen notice on Muaither - Sharai Tijari 'Offices for Rent' & learned from the local retailer that its around the price you mentioned. You need to drive around Mauither to have a look.