Dirty Olympics...!!

Here is the story by 1 of the American Athlete..
Perhaps it's just to release stress or just the thousands of taut and toned physiques on show but expect plenty of free love at the Olympic Village at the upcoming London Games.
At least that's if history repeats itself.
US Olympic gold medalist Hope Solo, who recently gave an insight on what went on the behind-the-scenes during her two-week stay at the Olympic Village back in 2008 in Beijing, said there's "lots of sex going on".
The 30-year-old goalkeeper, who will be heading to the London Games with the US women's national football team, told ESPN in an interview, "With a once-in-a-lifetime experience, you want to build memories, whether it's sexual, partying or on the field. I've seen people having sex right out in the open. On the grass, between buildings, people are getting down and dirty."
Apparently, she's not the only one who's seen the "down and dirty" side of the Olympics.
US swimmer Ryan Lochte believes "70 per cent to 75 per cent of Olympians" hook up behind the scenes, adding "Hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do."
There was so much action at the Games that even celebs joined in the fun with the athletes.
Solo said, "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but we met a bunch of celebrities. Vince Vaughn partied with us. Steve Byrne, the comedian. And at some point we decided to take the party back to the village.
"We started talking to the security guards, showed off our gold medals, got their attention and snuck our group through without credentials -- which is absolutely unheard of."
"I may have snuck a celebrity back to my room without anybody knowing, and snuck him back out," Solo added. "But that's my Olympic secret."
Singapore will be sending 23 athletes to the London Games.
Thousands of competitors are now descending upon the Athletes Village and training camps ahead of the Games which start on 27 July.
About 17,000 athletes and officials are expected to live at the village, which is located inside the Olympic Park and close to main stadium and swimming venue.
Let the fun begin.
Time for some new events to be added.
I wouldn't call this sexual harrassment or exploitation. Just sounds like people letting off steam.
This type of story comes out every olympics. It seems that these types of goings on are quite common - as athletes "let off steam".. But that is not to say that ALL athletes are involved in this.
If indeed the Olympics is as bad as this athlete makes it sound then the conservative/religious country's men should not be a part of it as much as the women.
That said for sure there is a certain degree of sexual exploitation and harassment of athletes in some countries leading up to the Olympics and other prestigious events. I remember back in SL Susanthika Jayasinghe accused certain hierarchies in the sports field of sexual harassment with regards to her participating in the Olympics. And I believe she was certainly not the only one. This needs to be dealt with by the authorities to keep the games fair and clean for all participants.
Serena Williams .... Swoooooooooooon ...
You would be venus then?
I'm not Serena Williams. I would be thinner and hotter.
Serena Williams won a gold medal and she is not thinner and hotter... to be honest I'm not even sure if she competed in the womens or mens event last time...
Well if I was a gold medal winning Olympic athlete I'd be a lot thinner and hotter Brit ;)
I'm trying to picture the scene , but I fear for Alexander's back :O(
In all seriousness though, think about it, you're putting a whole bunch of people, who spend years and years devoting themselves to being in speak physical condition and excelling at their sport, focusing on little else, and then Boom! After one day, perhaps two, they're done. They can relax, and they may even have won a medal signifying that all they strove for and sacrificed for was worth it....if it was me, I'd be table dancing with a couple of bottles of Cristal in my hands and Alexander Skarsgaard between my thighs!
Last summer I witnessed the same scenario in a club in NY ;-)... some of them ladies from this part of the world were getting down and dirty :-D
No event for Ladyboys in Olympics.
and Lucky Luciano going around looking for ladyboys. The inspector
Yeah.Starring DaRuDe as the Main Actor.
what goes in Olypmpic games back yard.
..then, tinker, we must've been living in a peaceful world.
why to blame west in it?
you mean the Evergrowing population of "east" is due to some miracle other than s*x ?
too much of hypocracy!!!!!
don't know why s*x is laballed as 'dirty'? (or it's somebody's mindeset?)
better are those guys who "do' it and then concontrate on thier work than those preachers who always keep it in thier mind...always, and call it 'dirty'!!
Put it this way, the most fun girls in the nightclubs in London were the ladies from the Gulf.... (some of the men were hanging out at G.A.Y which is not really my time of place)
Sounds like fun. I should have concentrated on sports more!
enlighten us O great one :-P
Anyone want to guess what the Qataris get up to in London on their summer vacations?
If Qatar gets the Olympics, I sure as hell am volunteering to be a part of the Security at the athletes village :-D
Isn't Qatar bidding for the Olympics?
'Sex on the Grass, between the building, people getting down & dirty' isnt actually very much of a surprize for countries in the West..its just a bit more steps than what they do now. However, iam pretty sure..this won't happen here!
Just what I heard, what goes on in the chalets at sealine stays in sealine...
Why would it be a problem for a country to send its daughters to such an event, but not its sons?
If it's too evil and dirty for females, then these same countries shouldn't be sending males either.
If that is what you say about Sealine etc, I sure as hell must be hanging out with the wrong folks over here eh? :-P
This is just one person boasting about her exploits and I am sure the vast majority of atheltes are concentrating on trying to win a gold during the two weeks.
Plus I've never heard of sex and drinking parties in the GCC, especially at Sea Line and at Villas in the North of Qatar...... no, never happens here....
the athletes are not forced into doing these immoral things. they let themselves run lose just because they are far from home. that doesn't mean everyone will do it.
their behavior will depend on the values and cultures of the individual athletes themselves. this is one event for them to show not just their prowess in their respective sports, but also how well they've been brought up in their own countries. if you believe your athletes were properly raised in your country's values and can remain to be the good people that they are anywhere they maybe, then there's no reason to worry.
Here some people says that womens from middle eastern countries and some other Muslim countries are live like a slaves and there governments and families are not supporting them and are not giving equal rights like mens.. but this is the reality and true face of world Olympics committee that they don't care about the values and cultures of womens participating in games. When any country KSA or Iran stop their women athletes from such events then the whole world (westerns) start blaming and raising human rights issues but the reality is that actually parents of women athletes in these countries don't want to send their daughters to such place where Olympic village becomes brothels..
And 1 more thing is that why they call it "fun"..? if this is really fun for such idiots then why don't they call it "London Sex 2012"...