Protect Muslims in Myanmar

Protect Muslims in Myanmar
The violent persecution of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar at the hands of Burmese extremists, the military, police and politicians is seeing thousands of people injured, displaced and killed. They require urgent protection, assistance and humanitarian aid -- and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon can call for an immediate resolution to protect them.
Security forces along with Rakhine Buddhist groups are looting and burning Rohingya properties under Act 144. Police and groups of Rakhine have started arson attacks, looting properties, destroying houses and killing the innocent Rohingya children, women and men. Some reports indicate that thousands of their houses have burnt down, over 1000 people have been killed, and more than 3000 wounded and thousands more rendered homeless.
When they sought asylum in neighbouring Bangladesh and Thailand, they were rejected.
The photos and stories coming from Myanmar are shocking. But the story has attracted little attention in the international media. But UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon can call for an immediate resolution to condemn these killings and send UN peacekeepers to protect them. Sign the petition now!
and I am really it happened. The thing is, many people just skeptic about this fact...
Did god help the American Indians? Does he help the Palestinians now?
I think we should not joke about this situation. A really bad situation happened to Rohungya people. They are just like red Indian in several hundred years ago in a place now called USA, slaughter in their own land...
or just like Palestine in their own land...
If we can't offer help, simply spread the news & pray to GOD to thelp them, HE is the one who can help them in any way...
Dude! You just feel that you are alone?
i totally agree
Better just to send in arms and money like they did in Libya, and like they are doing in Syria, and let the people kill one another. At least then you don't get blood on your hands.
invading ok but killing the innocent by a mentally retarded or unstable soldier ? do the Russians recruit mental ppl too in the army
Actually it was Qatar and Saudi suppyling the rebels in Syria money and weapons. NATO used its airforce
Russia did invade Afghanistan, you should really read more history.
Call the Americans so they will help in this situation as they have good experience from Iraq & Afghanistan.
Only Americans can Protect everybody.
Israelis and Americans were quite helpful
Russia also condemns the continued religious persecution and killing of Muslims in Saudi Arabia, but then it gets told that it is interfering in "internal affairs".
What are countries supposed to do? When they try to help they are told to leave. When they ignore the situation, they are told they are complicit in committing crimes.
Russia supplies military equipment to Syria which it uses to kill civilians
the same Nato did in libya or may be in syria , too , and why dint the russian or chinese attack iraq n afghan
thanks for sharing
Yes , we have to protect them by anyway.
i don't know exactly how those ppl killing poor ppl, just cuz they are muslim
and shame for russia and china supporting the killer of syria ppl, by the way,
Freedom for Myanmar Muslims, and Freedom for syria
Russia deaths due to the polices of Stalin and others have led to the death of millions of Russians. Russian policy towards Cheyna and Dagenstan has lead to the death of thousands, mainly muslims. Russia supplies military equipment to Syria which it uses to kill civilians. Russian invaded Afgahistan in 1980 and led to the deaths of 100s of thousands. Russia interferes in Georgia, (where they intervenve militarily), Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic States and occupies a string of Japanese Islands.
China's polices in the last 50 years have led to some of the biggest mass starvings in history. Mao's cultural revolution lead to the deaths of 10s of millions of chinese. Persecution of religious figures, including muslims in the west of the country, continue to this day.
China also interferes in many African countries leading to starvation and death for many Africans. Invasion of Tibet and subsequent put down of protests left thousands killed or homeless.
I could go on, but that should be enough to satisfy you.
did russia china invade and kill millions or interfere in other countries affair or did they stage the 9/11 drama
If you wanna see the original situation, I invited you to go Bangladesh, Coz the border of Myanmar there. About one Million Myanmar Muslim Refugio stay our small Area.
Well you see, when the UN gets involved in places like Libya and Syria, (despite GCC involvment) what is heard from people like you is, they are only their for the oil! They are trying to put a secular government in place to control the muslims! The West is evil! Its the corporations behind this!
So now in Burma there is a problem, the call goes out to help these people. Who do you think can and will do anything? Qatar? Saudi? Iran? No. They neither have the capability the will or any interest in helping these people out.
What about China? Russia? They have the capability but no interest in geting involved. In fact they persecute muslims in their own countries. So rather than attacking the west and America, maybe you should start protesting against Russia and China if you really care about muslims being persecuted and discriminated against.
the West and should leave independent countries to sort out their own affairs. NO are u SERIOUS
Burma has oil and gas how little you know!! Its 43% of the economy.
Why should the UN intervene it is just a tool of the US and the West and should leave independent countries to sort out their own affairs.
Human Right Says " Kill Muslims " we r just interested in oil based countries
Lets trot out the line on Syria, Liyba et al. No foreign intervention in Burma it is an internal matter an no force should be used.