Guardian Angels

I recently stumbled upon a heart touching story of how sometimes people or animals can appear in our lives and serve the purpose of a guardian angel, guiding us when we really need it. The author of the story is unknown, and I believe something so beautiful and original has to be a true story:
'Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse.
But if you get a closer look you will notice something quite interesting...
One of the horses is blind.
His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made him a safe and comfortable barn to live in.
This alone is pretty amazing.
But if you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell. It is coming from a smaller horse in the field.
Attached to the horse's halter is a small, copper-colored bell. It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow.
As you stand and watch these two friends you'll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse is, trusting he will not be led astray.
When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, he will stop occasionally to look back, making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell.
Sometimes we are the blind horse, being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives.'
So do believe in the concept of 'Guardian Angels?
Angels are mystical, divine beings that are often associated with religion, dating back to the days of Judaism. The term (Angels) is a derivative from the ancient Greek word (angelos) which means 'Messengers'.
Angels have been associated with bringing Divine messages from God, as in case of Islam where the Quran is revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad by Angel Jibrael( Gabriel) protection from evil, as in Judaism where Angel Michael is seen as a protector of Israel and even healing, as in Christianity where Angel Raphael is associated with having divine healing properties.
But it may not be like the whole cliched guardian angels mentioned in fairytales and fables though.
As Muslims we believe in's a part of our faith and one of those things you MUST have faith in.
And according to Islam some Angels are assigned the task of guarding us too. For example we are taught by our Prophet,via his narrations, that by reciting certain verses of the Quran at night an angel will be guarding us as we sleep.
However assuming angels to be the ones who provide security for us, and thereby believing them alone to have the power to protect us is not Islamic. We believe it's God who is our protector alone and it's only by His decree are we safeguarded and watched over.
Sorry I had to get all religious in my post but there was no easier way to explain it all!!
Will do! Hobb-nobs ... The he-man of biscuits. You can dunk to your hearts delight :O)
Indeed there is. Thanks for leaving your back door unlocked. I watch you every night as you sleep.
Ps can you restock the cupboard with hobb-nobbs, you're running somewhat low.
"trusting he will not be led astray."
How does the author know what the horse "thinks"? I agree with SC, it's made up!
There r just way too many facts in the story that couldn't have been known by the story teller or any human for that matter
Story is definitely made up....and no I don't believe in "guardian angels"
Horses also communicate through sounds they make, no need for the bell!
So true, but sometimes it's the case of, 'blind leading the blind' :-(
Touching. I believe that there is someone who watches over me