frankurt am main airport to kassel
Hi all,
I wonder if i should be asking this here but...nevertheless here i go..
I am travelling to Germany (August 2012) for about 10 days to visit friends who reside in a city called Kassel about 150 kms from Frankfurt.
I googled for some info and i believe there's an ICE train that leaves for kassel every hour or so from the airport station itself.
I mean no offence but in general Germans are sort of very reserved and for someone like me who hardly speaks a word in German and where English is sparsely spoken, i wonder how am i gonna get around.. I'll be hosted by my friends etc so thats not a problem and i honestly do not want to bother them by asking them to pick me up from the Frankfurt airport.
If there's anyone who's travelled from Frankfurt airport to Kassel recently by train or by any other means,,, i'd appreciate some tips and info.
Thanks a ton.