Hmm... need a Break !

By Satheesh_madh •
Temperatures shown on my car today...
The first picture was taken just when I moved my car out of the shade...
The second picture after a few minutes.....
And the third one, after some more time.....
The workers really need a break at these times... I agree!
Don't you agree too?
Yes Jim, seas are boiling hot.
Fea....funds available at ATMs
Is the sea hot as well?
say fea :D
its okies PP you enjoy ur funds :(
finance for what
i need finance for my "THE BORING CLUB" lols
fea i can take anytime
so now wht u want
PP victory salary is NOT dependent on climatic conditions ... u can take money when ever u want lols
due to climatic conditions....lols
Fea....Thank god my salary is NOT dependent on climatic conditions, like Indian Economy (based on Agriculture / monsoon) :)
Pappu_how so fast the funds finished during weekend, u confirmed on Thu at 11.50am that you have funds ;)
lols hahahahaha
be careful due to weather condition your bank account will have zero balance :)
that was already finished b4 the dusty hot waves started kindly tear a new cheque :D
Oye, so you encashed the blank cheque I given you last time!
Have fun in Dusty hot waves
i have ur funds so no need to claim for reimbursement :D
PP is funded by me, reimbursement on claim basis :)
PP is funded by me, reimbursement on claim basis :)
the difference while your in shade or w/o shade will be of 1 temp only.
my car was in shade from 7am -3pm and whn i started the car it showed 48C and when started driving it showed 49C.
and btw the normal engine temperature afer heat up is between 180C to 230C.
On the car its usually 2 to 3 degrees higher due to being in the sun and you can add a bit of engine heat..
The actual value or official value of the temp is the value taken in the shade.
Ghazalz, Oh wow.... So two months off for us! Hope no homework :(
i will only buy, payment he will do...lols
ingeniero, after this weekend the summer vacation will be started :)
Where's the photo gone? Another conspiracy cover-up.
I can see a UFO in the upper right of the photo. That is 100% proof that they exist.
@Ghazalz, Still waiting for weekend?
Just after tomorrow I am taking a long break :)
lols victory how kind u are .. payin from pp pocket for my temp reader Fea a portable temp reader for cars :)
its ok dnt cry....lols
vodka ice blended with ice...
very refreshing...
my car doesn't read temperature :(
It touched 50 in ma car too ..
no dear i have seen till 58C
I think the cars here has got a maximum of 50C and how do we know the exact temperature if it is above 50C? Add another 2 or 3?
lol..only if it's ice cold and from the freezer in ice cream form!
The workers certainly do need a break and then some. Getting them to work in this weather is cruel and criminal. Actually I have observed many workers are now working nights more than day.
and NO need to Break, it will break itself in such high temperature :(