What makes us Cool ?
Should I grease my hair or look like Rizks.
Should I wear my medalian and open collar print shirtFinally t ?
Finally, Scientists crack the code over what makes us cool...
Basing their research on the notion that cool is being attractive and desirable and not unwanted, Ilan Dar-Nimrod, who works at the University of Rochester Medical Center and his friend, Ian Hansen of York Collegecame to their scientific conclusions
'We wanted to tease apart coolness and social desirability,' said Dar-Nirmrod
'There is a lot of overlap between social desirability and coolness.'
Indeed, the majority of responses that the two psychologists received as words to describe cool focused primarily on appearance.
They saw cool being equated as 'hot', 'handsome', 'beautiful' and 'sexy', revealing an overwhelming theme of simple physical looks.
Aside from good looks, the researchers expected to find rebelliousness to be a cool trait, reminiscent of a James Dean.
What they discovered instead was that the students they used in their study thought that friendliness constitutes cool.
In fact, on top of being good looking and friendly, if you are a high achiever in life then you are moving into ice-cold territory.
As well as being generally successful and blessed in life, volunteering to help within society is seen as cool too.
So, it seems that there is no clear answer. What do you think makes you look cool ??
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2168343/Scientists-crack-code-ma...
Being a constant copy cat and trying too hard just shows a lot of insecurity and we all know cool=confident.
Humor is cool but needs to be kept in check. Too much and it loses it's appeal.
Being kind and polite even when faced with the most rude and boorish individuals is waaay cool.
The funny thing though is human beings actually find being called contrasting adjectives like "cool" and "hot" to be compliments!
Rizky defining Rajnikant as Cool
QL is really cool sometimes when NOT in controversial arguments.
Qatar is So HOT nowadays only AC which makes us cool ;D
I feel every generation define COOL in its own way what they feel interesting, exciting, thrilling, adventurous, etc, etc.
Bunch of geeks research and decide whats cool?
Absolute fail.
I can't help you there Brit, being cool is a bit like being classy...either you've got it or you ain't ;-)
You are not just cool but reaching absolute Zero...
So, why in your opinion is The Fonz so cool ? It can't be the leather jacket because I tried that :O(
The one who has
good rapport with his
boss's secretary also qualifies for being 'cool'.
The Fonz oozes coolness.
oh and during the afternoons a chilled Karak chai along with some gooseberries - keeps me refreshed all DAY ! :)
LOL rizks...Nyc wayy of keeping yuhrself koool...:D
Lols britey !
So, this is what the ladies in Doha find cool ... Innnnnnesesssin :O)
i) 24carats 5 TOLA gold chain in the neck, which sometimes gets stuck in between my chest hairs !
j) 6 gold rings, 3 in one hand and 3 on the other...oh and 2 gold teeths ! :)
What about the thin Gold chain round your neck, nestling just about the chest hair ?
I found out after ten years of research that A/Cs make us cool.
Yep, that's cool also. Have you been out in the sun ?
Things which makes me cool are as follows:-
a) I comb my hairs from back of my head to my forehead and apply 50gms of GEL so tat the wind dont change my hairs direction...:)
b) Wear a kadak IRONED khakee lungi with beauitful sunflowers printed on it ! :)
c) Wear a body fit t-shirt in which my muscles are bulged out so tat the intruders keep a safe distance from me ! :)
d) Wear a pointy steel toe'd hawaain chappals ! :)
C) Ray ban googgle with price TAG stuck on it ! :)
d) Moustache very well adjusted so tat the hairs dont enter my mouth ! :(
e) Casio Watch which is Solar Powered !
f) A pack of beedi on my upper pocket of my t-shir and one in my mouth ! :)
h) A nice orange color tri-cycle to rock on the road ! :)