Challenges for Qatar
Qatar is expecting an unprecendented influx of expat workforce in the coming years. Some estimates put the numbers in hundreds of thousands.
How are we as an employer geared towards managing the incoming workforce? Are we actively engaged in a dialogue for developing a meaningful strategy? Are we aware of the current challenges? If you are given an opportunity to prepare a detailed action plan for managing,let's say, 100,000 expat workers, how would you go about doing it? What are the initiatives that,in your opinion, could makes all our lives easier?
Shoeboxes are good for keeping puppies in them.
I think Brite is getting the crux of the matter. Unless th government and the key stakeholders are genuinely interested in the welfare of the incoming workers, no ground can be covered.
Straight forward.
Build a camp for them. Have shopping and sport facilities on campsite including a mess hall.
Pay them on time and bus them to and from airport for vacations.
Straight forward.
Build a camp for them. Have shopping and sport facilities on campsite including a mess hall.
Pay them on time and bus them to and from airport for vacations.
we shud not think we are working here thats its permenent place for us we are always temporary here so why worry about the future force when we dont know when our RP be cancelled any time so be prepared for anything in gulf
The new comers will have better salaries,.. so the first thing to think about is to increase the old people salaries, employers,..
I think it's time to leave Qatar,... the house rental crisis is back and I cannot afford paying half of my salary for two bedrooms again,...!!!
create workers syndicates that bring forwards rights and demands of the workers. there will be an equilibrium between these syndicate and their employers.
influx of expatriates for what?? is there anything happening here?
I hate this mind
They say its part of hunting ;-)
The first priority should be decent housing with reasonable cost.
no wonder economy is in shyte :) we have brilliant ppl like u
Uday - I dont work in my own economy, I work here. Therefore I have to discuss about things which do concern me.
Well the first thing I would do is contact the Box Appeal and tell them to order more boxes.
how abt if we concentrate on our own economy which is in deep shyte and deal with our corrupt politicians , it wld make life easier wont it ?